Breaking News Archives
Breaking News - Archives by State
Save Portland International Raceway | 03-10-2025
Defeat California's Gas Engine Ban | 03-10-2025
SEMA Applauds Newsom Veto of SB 961 | 09-26-2024
Pennsylvania Introduces Unfair Exhaust Noise Bill | 09-19-2024
Urgent Action Needed: Protect Your Driving Freedom! | 08-27-2024
Massachusetts Legislature Adjourns | 07-31-2024
Rhode Island Legislature Adjourns | 07-31-2024
Vermont Legislature Adjourns | 07-31-2024
Pennsylvania Advances Bill Allowing Doorless Driving | 07-02-2024
Virginia Becomes First to Disassociate Itself from California’s Emissions Standards & EV Mandates | 06-05-2024
Missouri Fails to Pass Single Plate Bills | 05-21-2024
Alaska Fails to Pass Bill to Protect Vehicle Choice | 05-20-2024
Illinois Reintroduces Internal Combustion Engine Ban | 05-03-2024
Province of British Columbia Proclaims “International Collector Car Appreciation Days” in July 2024 | 04-30-2024
UPDATE—FINAL ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Legislature Passes Bill to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 04-29-2024
UPDATE—NEW ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Reconsiders Bill to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 04-18-2024
Idaho Fails to Pass Single License Plate Bill | 04-16-2024
UPDATE—FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Advances Bill to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 04-03-2024
Arizona Fails to Pass Bill to Legalize Cruising | 03-25-2024
Iowa Fails to Pass Bill to Protect Vehicle Choice | 03-25-2024
Utah Governor Signs Single Plate Bill Into Law | 03-19-2024
West Virginia Legislature Adjourns | 03-12-2024
UPDATE—MORE ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Advances Bill to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 03-11-2024
Louisiana Introduces Bills to Protect Vehicle Choice | 03-11-2024
Utah Legislature Passes Single Plate Bill | 03-08-2024
Idaho Introduces Single Plate Bill | 03-05-2024
UPDATE: Arizona Advances Bill to Legalize Cruising | 03-01-2024
Alaska Introduces Bill to Protect Vehicle Choice | 02-23-2024
UPDATE—MORE ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Advances Bill to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 02-22-2024
Arizona Introduces Bill to Legalize Cruising | 02-21-2024
Kansas Introduces Bills to Protect Vehicle Choice | 02-09-2024
Virginia Introduces Exhaust Noise Reform Legislation | 02-05-2024
Maine Introduces Bill to Restrict Antique Vehicles | 02-02-2024
UPDATE—TAKE ACTION NOW: Hawaii Reschedules Committee Hearing on Bills to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 02-01-2024
Missouri Introduces Single Plate Bills | 01-31-2024
Vermont Introduces Exhaust Noise Reform Bill | 01-23-2024
UPDATE: Support Iowa Bill to Protect Vehicle Choice | 01-17-2024
Ask Your U.S. Representative to Support the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act | 11-29-2023
California Legalizes Automobile Cruising | 10-19-2023
Ask Your U.S. Representative to Support the CARS Act | 09-27-2023
UPDATE: California Passes Bill to Legalize Cruising | 09-20-2023
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. House of Representatives Passes Bill to Stop California’s ICE Vehicle Ban | 09-14-2023
BREAKING NEWS: U.S. House of Representatives Schedules Vote on Bill to Stop California’s ICE Vehicle Ban | 09-08-2023
New Jersey Set to Ban Internal Combustion Engines | 08-23-2023
BREAKING NEWS: California Judge Rules in Favor of SEMA, EcoLogic to Protect Motorized Recreation at Oceano Dunes | 07-20-2023
SAN Secures Companion Resolution from U.S. Senate Recognizing “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 07-19-2023
U.S. Congress Members Introduce Resolution Recognizing July 14th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 07-07-2023
Provinces of Ontario and Prince Edward Island Proclaim July 2023 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 07-05-2023
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Proclaims July 2023 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 06-30-2023
Oklahoma Legislature Adjourns | 06-21-2023
Nebraska Legislature Adjourns | 06-21-2023
Minnesota Legislature Adjourns | 06-21-2023
New York Legislature Adjourns | 06-20-2023
Maine Legislature Adjourns | 06-20-2023
Missouri Legislature Adjourns | 06-14-2023
Louisiana Legislature Adjourns | 06-14-2023
Texas Legislature Adjourns | 06-14-2023
Connecticut Legislature Adjourns | 06-14-2023
Hawaii Legislature Adjourns | 06-09-2023
Kansas Legislature Adjourns | 05-24-2023
Vermont Legislature Adjourns | 05-23-2023
Tennessee Governor Signs Exhaust Noise Bill Into Law | 05-18-2023
UPDATE: Louisiana Advances Bill to Exempt Antique Vehicles from State and Local Sales Tax | 05-12-2023
Iowa Legislature Adjourns | 05-09-2023
UPDATE: Hawaii Legislature Passes Bill to Approve Unfair Exhaust Noise Cameras—Final Approval Awaits | 05-08-2023
New York Reintroduces Single Plate Bill | 05-08-2023
Province of British Columbia Proclaims “International Collector Car Appreciation Days” in July 2023 | 05-01-2023
BREAKING NEWS: EPA Pursues New Emissions Standards to Spur Transition to Electric Vehicles | 04-14-2023
Maryland Legislature Adjourns | 04-11-2023
Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Proclaim July 2023 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 04-11-2023
New Mexico Anti-Enthusiast Bills Defeated | 04-05-2023
California Introduces Bill to Legalize Cruising | 04-03-2023
UPDATE: Hawaii Advances Bill to Allow Titling and Registration of Newer Special Interest Vehicles | 03-27-2023
North Dakota Fails to Pass Single Plate Bill | 03-24-2023
UPDATE—Hawaii Advances Unfair Exhaust Noise Bills | 03-15-2023
Washington State Bill to Repeal Internal Combustion Engine Ban Fails to Meet Legislative Deadline | 03-10-2023
The New Hampshire House of Representatives Voted to Kill a Bill to Adopt California’s Internal Combustion Engine Ban | 03-10-2023
Texas Introduces Single Plate Bill | 03-09-2023
Tennessee Advances Unfair Exhaust Noise Bill | 03-08-2023
UPDATE—FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Advances Bills to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 03-07-2023
Tennessee Introduces Unfair Exhaust Noise Bill | 02-23-2023
Connecticut Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-16-2023
Hawaii Advances Bill to Allow Titling and Registration of Newer Special Interest Vehicles | 02-15-2023
New Hampshire Fails to Pass Single Plate Bill | 02-15-2023
UPDATE—ACTION REQUIRED: Hawaii Advances Bills to Unfairly Toughen Exhaust Noise Penalties | 02-14-2023
UPDATE: North Dakota Advances Single Plate Bill | 02-14-2023
Vermont Introduces Exhaust Noise Reform Bill | 02-09-2023
Missouri Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-07-2023
New Jersey Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-07-2023
Maryland Introduces Exhaust Noise Reform Legislation | 02-06-2023
Nebraska Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-03-2023
New Hampshire Introduces Single Plate Bills | 01-25-2023
North Dakota Introduces Single Plate Bill | 01-24-2023
Michigan Legislature Adjourns | 01-12-2023
New York Legislature Adjourns | 01-12-2023
SEMA Statement on The Status of The Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports (RPM) Act | 12-22-2022
URGENT: Comment Now on Colorado's 2023 EV Plan | 12-20-2022
West Virginia: Vote “Yes” on Amendment 2 | 10-20-2022
Alaska Signs into Law Single Plate Bill | 08-25-2022
UPDATE: California Advances Resolution Celebrating Automobile Cruising’s History and Culture to Senate | 08-08-2022
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Proclaims July 2022 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 07-06-2022
Arizona Legislature Adjourns | 07-01-2022
Fact vs. Fiction: WV vs. EPA Supreme Court Decision | 06-30-2022
Ask Your U.S. Representative to Protect Your Right to Modify by Cosponsoring the REPAIR Act | 06-29-2022
SAN Secures Congressional Resolutions Recognizing July 8th as Collector Car Appreciation Day | 06-27-2022
New Jersey Introduces Single Plate Bills | 06-17-2022
Missouri Legislature Adjourns | 06-01-2022
Iowa Legislature Adjourns | 05-25-2022
Minnesota Legislature Adjourns | 05-24-2022
Alaska Legislature Adjourns | 05-19-2022
South Carolina Legislature Adjourns | 05-19-2022
Vermont Legislature Adjourns | 05-19-2022
UPDATE: Alaska Advances Single Plate Bill | 05-06-2022
UPDATE: Alaska Advances Single Plate Bill to Senate | 04-29-2022
EPA to Expand E15 Ethanol Fuel Sales into Summer | 04-15-2022
Province of British Columbia Proclaims “International Collector Car Appreciation Days” in July 2022 | 04-13-2022
Virginia Signs into Law Bill To Expand “YOM” Plates | 04-08-2022
UPDATE: Kansas Advances Amended Version of Bill to Ease Titling Procedures for Antique Vehicles to Governor | 04-05-2022
New Hampshire Fails to Pass Pro-Hobby Bills | 03-31-2022
Oklahoma Fails to Pass Antique License Plate Bill | 03-25-2022
Maryland Bills Fail to Meet Legislative Deadline | 03-23-2022
New Jersey Introduces Single Plate Bill | 03-23-2022
UPDATE: Kansas Advances Amended Version of Bill to Ease Titling Procedures for Antique Vehicles to Senate Floor | 03-22-2022
Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Proclaim July 2022 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 03-16-2022
West Virginia Legislature Adjourns | 03-15-2022
Idaho Fails to Pass Single License Plate Bill | 03-10-2022
UPDATE: Kansas Advances Bill to Ease Titling Procedures for Older Antique Vehicles to Senate | 03-07-2022
UPDATE: West Virginia Advances Bill to Allow Antique License Plates for Heavy Weight Vehicles to Senate | 03-03-2022
Idaho Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-15-2022
UPDATE: West Virginia Advances Pro-Hobby Bill to Create An "Antique Fleet" Plate Program | 02-11-2022
West Virginia Introduces Bill to Exempt Vintage Foreign-Market Vehicles from Safety Inspection | 02-04-2022
UPDATE: Utah Military Vehicle License Plate Exemption Bill Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-03-2022
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Allow Antique License Plates for Heavy Weight Vehicles Advances | 02-02-2022
New Jersey Introduces Pro-Hobby Bills | 01-26-2022
UPDATE: Utah Military Vehicle License Plate Exemption Bill Passes Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 01-24-2022
Vermont Introduces Pro-Hobby Bills | 01-20-2022
Utah Introduces Bill to Allow Exemption for Display of License Plates on Military Vehicles | 01-19-2022
West Virginia Introduces Pro-Hobby Bills | 01-17-2022
New Jersey Legislature Adjourns | 01-11-2022
Idaho Legislature Adjourns | 01-10-2022
UPDATE: Massachusetts Advances Bills to Exempt Older Antique Vehicles From Annual Safety Inspection | 07-30-2021
UPDATE: Massachusetts Advances Bill to Allow Restoration of YOM Plates for Antique Vehicles | 07-29-2021
U.S. Congress Introduces Resolution Recognizing July 9th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 06-24-2021
Fact vs. Fiction: New York Exhaust Noise Legislation | 06-22-2021
Texas Single Plate Bill Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 06-08-2021
Montana Bill to Reduce Motor Vehicle Registration Renewals Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 05-25-2021
UPDATE: Illinois Bill To Expand Antique Vehicle Usage Passes Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 05-13-2021
North Dakota Legislature Adjourns | 05-05-2021
California Bill to Exempt Pre-1983 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Fails to Meet Legislative Deadline | 05-04-2021
UPDATE: Alaska Single Plate Bill Advances | 05-03-2021
SAN Sues to Protect Off-Roading at Oceano Dunes | 04-23-2021
Massachusetts Introduces Bills to Exempt Older Antique Vehicles From Annual Safety Inspection | 04-21-2021
Massachusetts Reintroduces Bills to Allow Restoration of YOM Plates for Antique Vehicles | 04-20-2021
Massachusetts Introduces Single Plate Bill | 04-16-2021
West Virginia Legislature Adjourns | 04-15-2021
Nevada Bill to Amend Hobby Vehicle Registration Dies | 04-12-2021
Alaska Introduces Single Plate Bill | 04-09-2021
UPDATE: Kansas Pro-Hobby Bill to Ease Restrictions on Antique Vehicles Sent to Governor | 04-08-2021
UPDATE: Mississippi Bill to Expand Eligibility for Titling of Older Vehicles Sent To Governor | 04-01-2021
UPDATE: Kansas Bill to Allow for Newer Military Surplus Vehicle Registration Sent To Governor | 03-30-2021
UPDATE: Wyoming Bill to Significantly Restrict Antique Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 03-26-2021
UPDATE: Delaware Bill to Protect Enthusiasts from Unfair Citations Passes House; Moves to Senate | 03-26-2021
UPDATE: Montana Bill to Expand Single License Plate Usage Approved by Senate; Returned to House | 03-19-2021
UPDATE: West Virginia Pro-Hobby Bill to Create an "Antique Fleet" Plate Program Advances | 03-19-2021
UPDATE: Montana Bill to Expand Single License Plate Usage Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 03-17-2021
South Dakota Legislature Declares Final Week of August as Collector Car Appreciation Week | 03-15-2021
UPDATE: Off-Road Access Threatened at Oceano Dunes | 03-12-2021
UPDATE: Idaho Bill to Create Custom Vehicle Classification Passes Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 03-12-2021
UPDATE: Hawaii Bill To Protect Enthusiasts From Unfair Exhaust Noise Citations Passes Senate; Moves to House | 03-10-2021
SAVE OUR RACECARS: SAN Challenges EPA in Court! | 03-05-2021
Illinois Introduces Single Plate Bill | 03-03-2021
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Allow Titling of Newer Imported Collector Vehicles Sent to Governor | 03-03-2021
Texas Reintroduces Single Plate Bill | 03-02-2021
UPDATE: Mississippi Bill to Expand Eligibility for Titling of Older Vehicles Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-25-2021
UPDATE: Montana Bill to Expand Single License Plate Usage Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-19-2021
UPDATE: Arizona Bill to Allow Sale of Legacy License Plates Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-19-2021
UPDATE: Montana Bill to Reduce Motor Vehicle Registration Renewals Approved by Committee; Receives New Committee | 02-18-2021
UPDATE: Kansas Bill to Allow for Newer Military Surplus Vehicle Registration Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-16-2021
UPDATE: Montana Bill to Expand Single License Plate Usage Amended; Moves to House Floor | 02-16-2021
UPDATE: Arizona Bill to Allow Sale of Legacy License Plates Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-11-2021
New York to Allow Motorsports to Resume with Fans | 02-11-2021
New York Reintroduces Bill to Reduce Antique, Classic, and Collector Vehicle Inspections | 02-08-2021
New York Reintroduces Single Plate Bill | 02-04-2021
Hawaii Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-01-2021
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Allow Titling of Newer Imported Collector Vehicles Passes House; Moves to Senate | 01-28-2021
South Carolina Introduces Bill to Recognize Automotive Hobby as State’s Official Pastime | 01-25-2021
Vermont Introduces Single Plate Bill | 01-25-2021
START YOUR ENGINES: Re-created Dream Cars Will Finally Roar to Life After Long-Awaited Approval! | 01-21-2021
New Hampshire Introduces Single Plate Bill | 01-18-2021
Louisiana Bill to Allow Sale of Classic Black License Plates Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 01-14-2021
Hawaii Resolutions for The Construction of New Racing Facility Die as Legislature Adjourns | 01-14-2021
Michigan Legislature Adjourns | 01-13-2021
New York Legislature Adjourns | 01-13-2021
Missouri Legislature Adjourns | 01-12-2021
Vermont Legislature Adjourns | 01-12-2021
Massachusetts Legislature Adjourns | 01-11-2021
Pennsylvania Legislature Adjourns | 01-11-2021
UPDATE: Michigan Bill to Allow for Historic Military Vehicle Titling Passes Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 10-01-2020
Dane County, WI Resumes Racing | 08-21-2020
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Protect Enthusiasts From Unfair Citations Passes Committee; Receives New Assignment | 08-19-2020
SAN Secures Companion Resolutions from U.S. Congress Recognizing July 10th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 07-07-2020
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Proclaims July 2020 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 07-02-2020
Ohio No Longer Requires Front License Plate | 07-01-2020
UPDATE: Michigan Bill to Allow for Historic Military Vehicle Titling Passes House; Moves to Senate | 06-25-2020
Illinois to Allow Motorsports to Resume | 06-22-2020
Pennsylvania Allows Motorsports to Resume | 06-11-2020
Tell New Mexico to Allow Motorsports to Resume | 06-09-2020
Pro-Hobby Kansas Bills Die as Legislature Adjourns | 06-01-2020
Tell Illinois Leaders to Allow Motorsports to Resume | 05-27-2020
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Legislation to Allow Motorsports to Resume Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 05-19-2020
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Legislation to Allow Motorsports to Resume Scheduled for Hearing May 18 | 05-15-2020
Maryland Legislature Adjourns | 04-13-2020
Washington State Bills to Restrict Eligibility for Hobby Vehicle Registration Die as Legislature Adjourns | 03-13-2020
West Virginia Legislature Adjourns | 03-09-2020
Maryland Bill to Restrict the Historic Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption Withdrawn | 03-06-2020
UPDATE: Kansas Pro-Hobby Bill to Ease Restrictions on Antique Vehicles Passes House; Moves to Senate | 03-05-2020
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Preserve Appearance of Antique Military Vehicles Goes to Governor | 03-04-2020
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Create Racing Heritage Trail Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-25-2020
UPDATE: Washington State Bill to Restrict Eligibility for Hobby Vehicle Registration Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-24-2020
UPDATE: Kansas Bill to Allow Newer Military Surplus Vehicle Registration Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-21-2020
UPDATE: Michigan Bills to Allow for Military Surplus Vehicle Titling Pass Senate; Move to House | 02-19-2020
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Bill to Allow Sale of Heritage License Plates Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-14-2020
UPDATE: Michigan Bills to Allow for Military Surplus Vehicle Titling Up for Final Vote In Senate | 02-14-2020
Maryland Introduces Bill to Restrict the Historic Vehicle Emissions Inspection Exemption | 02-13-2020
Maryland Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-12-2020
Washington State Bill to Restrict Eligibility for Hobby Vehicle Registration Unfavorably Amended; Advances | 02-12-2020
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Aid the Construction of Motorsports Complexes Passes Committee; Moves to New Committee | 02-11-2020
Wisconsin Introduces Bill to Restrict Eligibility and Increase Fees for Collector and Hobbyist Vehicles | 02-05-2020
California Bill to Exempt Pre-1983 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Fails to Meet Legislative Deadline | 02-04-2020
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Preserve Appearance of Antique Military Vehicles Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-03-2020
Vermont Introduces Single Plate Bill | 01-27-2020
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Bill to Allow Sale of Heritage License Plates Receives New Committee Assignment | 01-23-2020
Washington State Bills to Restrict Eligibility for Hobby Vehicle Registration Introduced | 01-14-2020
Rhode Island Bill to Extend Emissions-Inspection Waiver Dies as New Legislative Session Convenes | 01-13-2020
New Jersey Warranty Disclosure Bill Signed into Law | 01-10-2020
UPDATE: Massachusetts Bill to Allow Blue Dot Taillights on Street Rods and Customs Scheduled for Hearing January 2 | 12-23-2019
Update: Ohio Bill to Require Front and Rear Plates on All Vehicles Scheduled for Hearing December 11 | 12-09-2019
Massachusetts Bill to Allow Restoration of YOM Plates for Antique Vehicles Scheduled for Hearing | 11-01-2019
North Carolina Bill to Expand Eligibility for Antique Vehicle Registration Signed into Law | 10-21-2019
North Carolina Bill to Expand Eligibility for Antique Vehicle Registration Sent to Governor | 10-10-2019
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Bill to Allow Sale of Heritage License Plates Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 09-26-2019
Massachusetts Bill to Exempt Vehicles 75 Years or Older from Annual Safety Inspection Scheduled for Hearing | 09-12-2019
UPDATE: Michigan Bills to Allow for Military Surplus Vehicle Titling Pass Committee; Move to Senate Floor | 09-05-2019
UPDATE: Michigan Bills to Allow for Historic Military Vehicle Titling to Be Heard September 4th | 09-03-2019
UPDATE: Enthusiasts Save Off-Roading at Oceano Dunes | 07-12-2019
UPDATE: Off-Road Access Threatened at Oceano Dunes | 07-02-2019
SAN Secures Companion Resolution from U.S. Senate Recognizing July 12th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 06-28-2019
Provinces of Manitoba and Prince Edward Island Proclaim July 2019 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 06-28-2019
UPDATE: Rhode Island Bills to Allow for Display of a Single Year of Manufacture License Plate to Receive Final Vote | 06-27-2019
UPDATE: Pennsylvania Bills to Reform Emissions Testing Requirements Pass Senate; Move to House | 06-26-2019
UPDATE: Michigan Bills to Allow for Historic Military Vehicle Titling to Be Heard June 19th | 06-18-2019
Texas Assembled Vehicles Bill Signed into Law | 06-17-2019
Province of British Columbia Proclaims “International Collector Car Appreciation Day” in July 2019 | 06-07-2019
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Proclaims July 2019 as “Automotive Heritage Month” | 06-07-2019
Nevada Military Vehicle Bill Becomes Law | 05-31-2019
Texas Single Plate Bills Die as Legislature Adjourns | 05-30-2019
UPDATE: Nevada Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 05-30-2019
UPDATE: Nevada Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Committee; Moves to Assembly Floor for Final Vote | 05-22-2019
Hawaii Resolutions for the Construction of New Racing Facility Die as the Legislature Adjourns | 05-14-2019
UPDATE: Delaware Bill to Ease Street Rod Registration Passes Committee; Moves to Senate Floor for Final Vote | 05-09-2019
UPDATE: Texas Assembled Vehicles Bill Still Pending; Requires Hearing—Your Help Needed Now! | 05-09-2019
Maine Governor Approves Ethanol Bill; Vetoes Another | 05-07-2019
UPDATE: Hawaii Bill To Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Legislature; Goes to Governor | 05-01-2019
UPDATE: Rhode Island Bill to Extend Emissions-Inspection Waiver Scheduled for Committee Hearing on May 2nd | 04-29-2019
Call Now: California Bill To Repeal 2018 Exhaust Noise Law Still Pending; Voice Your Support! | 04-29-2019
Call Now: Texas Assembled Vehicles Bill Still Pending; Requires Hearing to be Scheduled | 04-25-2019
UPDATE: Hawaii Resolution for The Construction of New Racing Facility Receives New Committee Assignment | 04-16-2019
Maryland Bill To Exempt Low-Mileage Vehicles from Inspection Requirements Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-15-2019
Tennessee Military Vehicle Bill Becomes Law | 04-12-2019
UPDATE: Rhode Island Bill to Allow for Display of a Single Year of Manufacture License Plate to Be Heard Wednesday | 04-08-2019
UPDATE: Oklahoma Bill to Create Titling for HUMVEES Passes Committee; Receives New Committee Assignment | 04-03-2019
UPDATE: Companion To Hawaii Resolution For The Construction Of New Racing Facility To Be Heard April 1 | 03-30-2019
California Bill to Exempt Pre-1983 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Removed from Consideration | 03-29-2019
UPDATE: Hawaii Bill To Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Committees; Moves To Senate Floor | 03-29-2019
Arizona Emissions Test Exemption Adopted | 03-28-2019
UPDATE: Texas Assembled Vehicles Legislation Unanimously Passes Committee; Receives New Committee Assignment | 03-27-2019
UPDATE: California Bill to Repeal 2018 Exhaust Noise Law Passes Transportation Committee | 03-26-2019
Michigan: Attend March 29 Public Hearing on EPA Proposal to Expand the Sale of E-15 Gasoline | 03-26-2019
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Proposes to Expand the Sale of E-15 Gasoline | 03-25-2019
Rhode Island Introduces Bills to Allow for Display of a Single Year of Manufacture License Plate | 03-22-2019
Utah Single Plate Bill Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 03-19-2019
UPDATE: Indiana Tax Exemption Bill for Collector Vehicles Passes House; Moves to Senate | 03-19-2019
UPDATE: Legislation Creating West Virginia Motorsports Committee Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 03-19-2019
Texas Holds March 20 Hearing on Legislation to Ease Titling and Registration of Assembled Vehicles | 03-19-2019
Arkansas Bill to Restrict Eligibility for Historic Vehicle Registration Signed into Law | 03-18-2019
UPDATE: Nebraska Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 03-18-2019
West Virginia Legislature Adjourns | 03-15-2019
UPDATE: California Bill to Exempt Pre-1983 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections to Be Heard on March 25 | 03-14-2019
Arkansas Bill to Severely Restrict Eligibility for Historic Vehicle Registration Goes to Governor | 03-08-2019
UPDATE: California Bill to Repeal 2018 Exhaust Noise Law Introduced; Referred to Committee on Transportation | 03-08-2019
UPDATE: Nebraska Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes Committee; Goes to Final Reading | 03-06-2019
UPDATE: Legislation Creating West Virginia Motorsports Committee Passes Committee; Moves to Final Vote on House Floor | 03-04-2019
Texas Introduces Single Plate Bill | 03-01-2019
UPDATE: Legislation Creating West Virginia Motorsports Committee Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-28-2019
Georgia Introduces Bill to Allow for Light Bars | 02-27-2019
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Aid the Construction of Motorsports Complexes Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-27-2019
UPDATE: New Mexico Bill to Require Front and Rear Plates on All Vehicles Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-26-2019
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Preserve Antique Military Vehicles Passes House; Moves to Senate | 02-22-2019
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Vehicles from Property Tax Passes Senate; Moves to House | 02-21-2019
Maine Bills to Limit Ethanol Sales Introduced | 02-19-2019
SEMA Applauds Introduction of Congressional Resolution Recognizing July 12 as Collector Car Appreciation Day | 02-15-2019
Illinois Introduces Single Plate Bill | 02-14-2019
UPDATE: Washington Legislation to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Receives Companion Bill in House | 02-13-2019
UPDATE: Minnesota Bills to Aid the Registration of Decommissioned Military Vehicles Receive New Committee Assignment | 02-11-2019
Utah Single Plate Bill Introduced | 02-07-2019
Connecticut Single Plate Bill Introduced | 02-06-2019
Iowa Introduces Bill to Allow for Window Tinting | 01-28-2019
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Introduced | 01-22-2019
Nebraska Single Plate Bill Introduced | 01-16-2019
New Hampshire Single Plate Bill Introduced | 01-14-2019
Fact vs. Fiction: California’s New Exhaust Noise Law | 01-09-2019
California Exhaust Noise Bill Goes into Effect | 01-07-2019
Ohio Humvee Legislation Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 01-07-2019
UPDATE: Michigan Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Titling Passes House; Moves to Governor | 12-20-2018
Ohio Bills Introduced to Create Titling for HUMVEES | 11-19-2018
UPDATE: Massachusetts Bill to allow Restored Year-of-Manufacture Plates Passes Committee; Moves to House Floor | 09-25-2018
SAN Secures Companion Resolution from U.S. Senate Recognizing July 13th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 07-13-2018
SAN Secures Congressional Resolution Recognizing July 13th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” | 07-09-2018
Provinces of Manitoba and New Brunswick Proclaim July 2018 as “AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE MONTH” | 07-05-2018
UPDATE: Rhode Island Bill to Provide Courtesy License Plates Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 06-29-2018
U.S. Department of Commerce Action on Imported Automobiles and Auto Parts Could Trigger 25% Tariffs | 06-18-2018
UPDATE: Rhode Island Bills to Provide Special Courtesy License Plates All Move to House Committee | 06-12-2018
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Proclaims July 2018 as “AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE MONTH” | 06-06-2018
UPDATE: Louisiana Bill to Allow Military Surplus Vehicle Registration Amended and Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 05-08-2018
Iowa Bills Fail to Pass Before Legislative Deadline | 05-01-2018
Nebraska Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Specially Constructed Vehicles Becomes Law | 05-01-2018
UPDATE: New York Bill to Provide for One-Time Historic Vehicle Registration Fee Passes Senate; Moves to Assembly | 04-16-2018
UPDATE: Hawaii Resolution for Construction of New Racing Facility Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 04-10-2018
UPDATE: Hawaii Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Registration Passes Senate; Moves to House | 04-09-2018
West Virginia Bill to Allow Off-Road Recreation in Cabwaylingo State Forest Signed Into Law | 03-27-2018
UPDATE: Minnesota Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Receives Companion Bill in Senate | 03-19-2018
UPDATE: Utah Bill to Assist Off-Highway Vehicle Owners Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 03-08-2018
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Title Military Surplus Off-Road Vehicles Passes Senate; Goes to Governor for Approval | 03-07-2018
UPDATE: Utah Bill to Extend Emissions Inspection Waiver Passes Legislature; Moves to Governor | 03-07-2018
UPDATE: Virginia Bill Exempting Antique Vehicles from Exhaust Requirements Passes Legislature; Sent to Governor | 03-05-2018
UPDATE: Hawaii Bill to Allow Military Vehicle Registration Passes Committees; Moves to Senate Floor | 03-02-2018
UPDATE: Virginia Bill to Title Military Surplus Off-Road Vehicles Moves to Senate Floor | 03-02-2018
Colorado Bill to Limit Emissions Testing Introduced | 03-01-2018
UPDATE: West Virginia Bill to Allow Off-Road Recreation in Cabwaylingo State Forest Receives New Committee Assignment | 03-01-2018
Michigan Introduces Bill to Allow for Window Tinting | 02-28-2018
Idaho Introduces Military Vehicle Registration Bill | 02-26-2018
South Dakota Historic Vehicle Bill Signed into Law | 02-16-2018
New Mexico Bill to Require Front and Rear Plates on All Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 02-16-2018
UPDATE: Washington Bill to Allow Personalized Collector Car Plates Passes Senate; Goes to House | 02-14-2018
New Jersey Warranty Disclosure Bill Introduced | 02-14-2018
South Dakota Resolution to Advance E30 Ethanol Passes House and Senate; Goes to Governor | 02-06-2018
Michigan Introduces Bill to Ease Towing Restrictions | 02-05-2018
Maryland Off-Highway Vehicle Funding Bill Introduced | 02-01-2018
Virginia Bill Exempting Antique Vehicles from Exhaust Requirements Passes Senate; Moves to House | 01-31-2018
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Passed Senate; goes to House | 01-31-2018
Illinois Introduces Single Plate Bill | 01-29-2018
Iowa Introduces Bill to Allow for Window Tinting | 01-17-2018
Maryland Single Plate Bill Introduced | 01-16-2018
Nebraska Introduces Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Specially Constructed Vehicles | 01-16-2018
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Introduced | 01-16-2018
Rhode Island Bill to Substantially Raise Registration Fees for Antique Motor Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 01-10-2018
Illinois Bill to Allow Single Plate for Secondary Vehicles Dead as Legislature Adjourns | 01-09-2018
New York Reintroduces Bill to Provide for One-Time | 01-09-2018
Single License Plate Bills Introduced in Wisconsin | 01-05-2018
Wisconsin Bill Allowing Hobbyists to Purchase Salvage Vehicles at Auction Has Been Introduced | 01-02-2018
California Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Signed by Governor - 10/10/2017 | 12-21-2017
California Legislation to Extend Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Program Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 09-19-2017
California Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 09-13-2017
South Carolina Resolution to Create Study of Mileage-Based User Fee Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 08-02-2017
State Legislators Who Support the Hobby | 07-18-2017
State Legislators Who Support the Hobby | 07-18-2017
Louisiana Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From State and Local Taxes Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 07-11-2017
California Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Approved by Senate Committee; Moves to Appropriations | 07-09-2017
Delaware Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Approved by House and Senate; Moves to Governor | 07-09-2017
Provinces of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan Proclaim July 2017 as AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE MONTH | 07-04-2017
Indiana Bill to Require Factory Installed or Equivalent Mufflers Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 06-27-2017
New York Bill to Provide Single Plate for Historic Motor Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Assembly | 06-26-2017
Delaware Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 06-21-2017
Province of Manitoba Proclaims July 14, 2017 | 06-20-2017
California Bill to Extend New Car Emissions Test Exemption Passes Assembly; Moves to Senate | 06-14-2017
New Jersey Bill to Require Warranty Disclosure Approved by Committee; Moves to Assembly Floor | 06-12-2017
Oregon Bill to Provide Special Interest Designation to Military Vehicles Signed into Law | 06-01-2017
Connecticut Bill to Restrict Eligibility for Hobby Car Registration Amended to Remove Restrictions | 05-30-2017
Single License Plate Bill Introduced in Maine | 05-02-2017
Kentucky Resolution to Create Study of Mileage-Based User Fee Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 05-01-2017
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Trailers Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 04-30-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Vetoed by Governor | 04-25-2017
California Bill to Undermine Off-Highway Vehicles Program Approved by Second Senate Committee | 04-20-2017
Pennsylvania Bill to Provide Historic Military Plates Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 04-20-2017
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers to be Considered on Thursday, April 20 | 04-18-2017
California Bill to Require Ingredient Labeling on All Cleaning Products Amended and Approved by Committee | 04-18-2017
Alaska Bill to Promote Outdoor Recreation Introduced | 04-11-2017
West Virginia Bill to Require Front and Rear License Plates Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-10-2017
West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-10-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Digital Map of State OHV Recreation Areas Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 04-09-2017
Nevada Bill to Add Additional Requirements for Classic Vehicle Registration to be Withdrawn | 04-06-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Uncovered Aftermarket Light Bars Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 04-06-2017
West Virginia Ethanol Resolution Approved by House | 04-05-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 04-05-2017
West Virginia Resolution Approved by House | 04-05-2017
Kentucky Bill to Promote Outdoor Motorized Recreation Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 04-04-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 04-04-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Moves to Vote by Full Senate | 04-03-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Off-Road Recreation Opportunities in Cabwaylingo State Forest Approved by Senate | 04-03-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Digital Map of State OHV Recreation Areas Approved by Senate | 04-03-2017
California Bill to Extend Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Program to be Considered on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | 03-29-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-23-2017
California Bill to Require Ingredient Labeling on All Cleaning Products to be Considered on March 29, 2017 | 03-21-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 03-21-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles to be Considered by Full House | 03-19-2017
Rhode Island Introduces Bill to Substantially Raise Registration Fees for Antique Motor Vehicles | 03-16-2017
U.S. Congress Introduces Bill to Prohibit E15 Sales | 03-14-2017
West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by Committee | 03-14-2017
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-10-2017
Massachusetts Bill to Require Emissions Inspections for Antique Motor Vehicles Introduced | 03-09-2017
Province of Nova Scotia Again Proclaims July 2017 | 03-09-2017
California Bill to Undermine Off-Highway Vehicles Program to be Considered on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 | 03-08-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Approved by Committee | 03-02-2017
Kentucky Bill to Promote Outdoor Motorized Recreation Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-28-2017
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Approved by Committee | 02-28-2017
New Hampshire Bill to Create Road Usage Fee Dies | 02-22-2017
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Reintroduced; Approved by Committee | 02-20-2017
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Reintroduced | 02-20-2017
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From License Tax Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 02-17-2017
Arkansas Bill to Severely Restrict Eligibility for Historic Vehicle Registration Withdrawn by Sponsor | 02-16-2017
Iowa Reintroduces Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Antique Vehicles, "Sports Cars" | 02-15-2017
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From License Tax Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-14-2017
Maryland Bill to Prohibit Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax to be Considered on February 15, 2017 | 02-13-2017
Idaho House Fails to Approve Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles | 02-12-2017
Montana Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-09-2017
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From License Tax Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 02-09-2017
Idaho Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Approved by Committee; Sent to Full House | 02-07-2017
Bill to Provide for Single License Plate in Missouri to be Considered on Thursday, February 9, 2017 | 02-07-2017
Iowa Bill to Provide for Single License Reintroduced | 02-06-2017
Montana Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Amended and Approved by Committee | 02-05-2017
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From License Tax Approved by Committee; Sent to Full Senate | 02-05-2017
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Motor Vehicles From License Tax to be Considered on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 | 01-30-2017
Province of British Columbia Proclaims July 8, 2017 as “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY” | 01-26-2017
Province of British Columbia Proclaims July 8, 2017 | 01-26-2017
2017 marks a new session of Congress | 01-17-2017
Rhode Island Introduces Bill to Substantially Raise Registration Fees for Antique Motor Vehicles | 01-17-2017
Montana Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles to be Considered on Monday, January 23, 2017 | 01-16-2017
Amended Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 09-20-2016
Amended Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by Senate; Moves Back to House | 09-08-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Signed Into Law | 08-22-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Assembly; Moves to Governor | 08-07-2016
Minnesota Bills to Increase Fees for Fuel Efficient Vehicles/ Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Die as Legislature Adjourns | 08-07-2016
Help Save California OHV Program | 08-04-2016
Help Save California OHV Program | 07-13-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Appropriations Committee | 07-06-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Assembly Committee | 06-26-2016
SAN Secures U.S. Senate Resolution Designating July 8th as Collector Car Appreciation Day | 06-21-2016
California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Assembly; Moves to Senate | 06-20-2016
New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Signed Into Law | 06-14-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Senate; Moves to Assembly | 06-07-2016
California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Fails to Meet Passage Deadline | 06-06-2016
California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Committee; Moves to Assembly Floor | 05-31-2016
Arizona Bill to Raise Gas Taxes/Create Study to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 05-30-2016
California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program to be Considered by Appropriations Committee on May 27 | 05-24-2016
New Hampshire Bill to Implement Road User Fee Dies | 05-24-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Moves to Full Senate | 05-17-2016
Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Signed Into Law | 05-15-2016
New Jersey Bill to Provide Window Stickers to Vehicles Exempt From Inspections Approved by Committee | 05-15-2016
Is Your Elected Official a Cosponsor of the RPM Act? | 05-04-2016
Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 05-03-2016
New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Signed Into Law | 05-03-2016
Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 04-21-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Committee | 04-20-2016
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Moves to Full Senate | 04-20-2016
New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plate Signed Into Law | 04-19-2016
Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection to be Considered by Full House | 04-19-2016
Breaking News: SEMA President Chris Kersting Responds to EPA Decision on Racecar Regulation | 04-14-2016
Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 04-11-2016
California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates to be Considered on April 19, 2016 | 04-07-2016
Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Approved by Senate Committee | 04-06-2016
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 04-04-2016
California Introduces Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates | 03-31-2016
Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-30-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Signed Into Law | 03-30-2016
New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Amended and Approved by Senate | 03-27-2016
New Jersey Reintroduces Bill to Provide Window Stickers to Vehicles Exempt From Inspections | 03-22-2016
California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Requirement to be Considered on April 12, 2016 | 03-21-2016
Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-17-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 03-14-2016
Illinois Introduces Bill to Raise Gas Taxes/Create a Road User Tax and Raise Registration Fees | 03-13-2016
West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 03-13-2016
Alabama Senate Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles From Certificate of Title Requirement | 03-10-2016
New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plates Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-10-2016
Iowa Bill to Provide for Single License Plate Amended and Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-08-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-07-2016
Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Signed into Law | 03-07-2016
South Dakota Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles Signed into Law | 03-07-2016
Indiana Bill to Permit Non-Residents to Use Off-Highway Trails Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 03-06-2016
California Reintroduces Bill to Exempt pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Requirement | 03-03-2016
Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by Utah Legislature; Goes to Governor | 03-03-2016
West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-03-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 03-03-2016
West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-02-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 03-01-2016
Alabama Bill To Further Exempt Older Vehicles From Certificate of Title Requirement to be Considered On March 2, 2016 | 02-29-2016
Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles to be Considered on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 | 02-29-2016
Massachusetts Bill to Provide for Single License Plate to be Considered on March 7, 2016 | 02-29-2016
West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events to be Considered by Full Senate | 02-29-2016
Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 02-28-2016
South Dakota Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 02-25-2016
Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by House; Moves to Senate Floor | 02-24-2016
West Virginia Legislature Proclaims Second Friday in July As "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 02-23-2016
West Virginia Legislature Proclaims Second Friday in July As COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY | 02-23-2016
New Jersey Reintroduces Bill to Provide Window Stickers to Vehicles Exempt From Inspections | 02-22-2016
South Dakota Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles to be Considered on February 24, 2016 | 02-22-2016
Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-22-2016
West Virginia Resolution Opposing EPA Ban on Certain Race Cars Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-22-2016
Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Amended; Awaits Final Vote | 02-18-2016
Utah House Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-18-2016
West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Finance Committee | 02-18-2016
Breaking News in South Dakota | 02-17-2016
Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads to be Considered by Full House | 02-16-2016
West Virginia Resolution Designation "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-15-2016
West Virginia Resolution Designating “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY” Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-15-2016
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Approved by Transportation Committee | 02-10-2016
Say No to EPA Threat to Motorsports | 02-08-2016
Say No to EPA Threat to Motorsports : SEMA Opposes Regulation Prohibiting Conversion of Vehicles into Racecars | 02-08-2016
Hawaii Introduces Bill to Set Noise Emission Levels | 02-04-2016
Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles In Final Stage of Consideration | 02-03-2016
West Virginia Reintroduces Resolution Designating West Virginia Collector Car Appreciation Day | 02-01-2016
Bill Reintroduced to Protect West Virginia Hobbyists from Unfair Exhaust Noise Citations | 01-31-2016
Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers to be Considered on February 2, 2016 | 01-28-2016
Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements to be Considered on Thursday, January 28, 2016 | 01-19-2016
New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plate to be Considered on January 19, 2016 | 01-17-2016
Missouri Introduces Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers | 01-12-2016
Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection to be Considered by Senate on Jan. 12, 2016 | 01-10-2016
Massachusetts Bill to Require Warranty Disclosure to be Considered on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 | 11-24-2015
Congressional Legislation Creates 6 National Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Areas in the California Desert | 10-06-2015
Pennsylvania Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 10-05-2015
California Legislation to Allow Certain Vehicles to Pay Fee Instead of Passing Smog Test Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 09-15-2015
Pennsylvania Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 07-27-2015
Michigan Considers Implementing Road User Fee | 07-15-2015
Oregon Bill to Create Mandatory Car Tax for Miles Traveled Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 07-07-2015
Connecticut Bill to Revise Property Tax Evaluation for Older Cars Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 06-10-2015
Nevada Bill to Restrict Hobby Car Registration Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 06-02-2015
Nevada Bill to Restrict Hobby Car Registration Amended and Approved by Assembly; Moves to Senate | 06-01-2015
Vermont Bill to Provide Titles for Exempted Vehicles Approved by Legislature; Sent to Governor | 05-18-2015
New Jersey Bill to Provide Window Stickers for Vehicles Exempt From Inspection Approved by Committee | 05-15-2015
New Jersey Bill to Provide Window Stickers for Vehicles Exempt From Inspection to be Considered on May 11, 2015 | 05-06-2015
Florida Bills Requiring Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Die as Legislature Adjourns | 05-05-2015
New York Bill to Provide Single Plate Option for Motor Vehicles to be Considered on May 5, 2015 | 04-30-2015
Vermont Bill to Provide Titles for Exempted Vehicles Amended and Approved by House; Sent to Senate for Concurrence | 04-27-2015
Texas Bill to Eliminate Ethanol in Gasoline to be Considered on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 | 04-27-2015
Missouri Bill to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled to be Considered in Committee on April 28, 2015 | 04-24-2015
Tennessee Legislature Adjourns Without Approving Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection | 04-23-2015
Maryland Bills to Increase Age Requirement for Historic Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-14-2015
Nevada Bill to Restrict Classic Vehicle Registration Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Assembly | 04-13-2015
Conference Committee Reaches Compromise on Maryland Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Hobby Cars | 04-13-2015
New Hampshire Bill to Include Older Trucks as Antiques Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 04-13-2015
Maryland Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Hobby Cars Goes to Conference Committee | 04-10-2015
Nevada Bill to Restrict Classic Vehicle Registration to be Amended; Hearing Scheduled for April 9, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. | 04-09-2015
Idaho Bill Increases Registration Fees by $25 | 04-08-2015
Iowa Legislation Fails to Meet Crossover Deadline | 04-07-2015
Maryland Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Hobby Cars Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate | 04-03-2015
New Hampshire Bill to Include Older Trucks as Antiques Approved by Senate Committee; Moves to Full Senate | 04-01-2015
California Introduces Legislation to Allow Certain Vehicles to Pay Fee Instead of Passing Smog Test | 03-30-2015
Province of British Columbia Proclaims July 11, 2015 as "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 03-27-2015
New Hampshire Bill to Include Older Trucks as Antiques to be Considered in Senate Committee on March 31, 2015 | 03-27-2015
North Dakota Bill to Restrict Vehicle Modifications Favorably Amended and Approved by House; Moves Back to the Senate | 03-26-2015
North Dakota Bill to Restrict Vehicle Modifications Favorably Amended by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-25-2015
Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection Approved by Second Committee With Favorable Amendment | 03-25-2015
Maryland House Bill to Increase Age Requirement for Historic Vehicle Registration Moves to Senate (ACT NOW!) | 03-25-2015
New Mexico Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Replica Cars Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 03-24-2015
Arkansas Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Withdrawn by Sponsor | 03-24-2015
Amended Maryland Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Certain Historic Cars Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-24-2015
Minnesota Bill to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled to be Considered on Monday, March 23, 2015 | 03-20-2015
Pro-Hobbyist Kentucky Bill to Assess Older Motor Vehicles for Property Tax Signed Into Law | 03-20-2015
New Mexico Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Replica Cars Approved by Senate Committee; Moves to Full Senate | 03-20-2015
Arkansas Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-19-2015
Tennessee House Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection Approved by Committee | 03-19-2015
Arkansas Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled to be Considered on Thursday, March 19, 2015 | 03-18-2015
Hawaii Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline Amended and Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 03-18-2015
New Hampshire Bill to Include Older Trucks as Antiques Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-18-2015
New Mexico Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Replica Cars Approved by Full House; Moves to Senate | 03-18-2015
Texas Proposes Elimination of Ethanol in Gasoline | 03-18-2015
Kentucky State Legislature Approves Bill to Assess Older Motor Vehicles for Property Tax; Moves to Governor | 03-13-2015
West Virginia Resolution Designating Collector Car Appreciation Day Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 03-12-2015
Maine Bill to Prohibit Ethanol Blended Gasoline to be Considered on Thursday, March 26, 2015 | 03-11-2015
New Mexico Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Replica Cars Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 03-11-2015
Virginia Bill to Exempt Some Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions Signed Into Law | 03-11-2015
Florida Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Approved by Senate Committee | 03-09-2015
Kentucky Bill to Assess Older Motor Vehicles for Property Tax Approved by Senate Committee; Moves to Full Senate | 03-09-2015
West Virginia Resolution Designating Collector Car Appreciation Day Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-09-2015
Florida Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled to be Considered on Thursday, March 5, 2015 | 03-04-2015
Iowa Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles to be Considered by Committee on March 3, 2015 | 03-02-2015
New Mexico Bill to Ease Titling and Registration of Replica Cars to be Considered by Committee on March 5, 2015 | 03-02-2015
North Dakota Bill to Further Restrict Vehicle Modifications Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 02-24-2015
New Hampshire Introduces Legislation to Exempt Older/Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Test Requirements | 02-24-2015
Hawaii Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline to be Considered by Committee on Tuesday February 24 2015 | 02-23-2015
West Virginia Introduces Resolution Designating West Virginia "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 02-20-2015
Kentucky Bill to Assess Motor Vehicles for Property Tax Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-20-2015
Maryland Bills to Allow Single License Plate for Hobby Cars to be Considered on Feb. 24 & 26 2015 | 02-19-2015
Wyoming State Legislature Approves Bill to Provide Single License Plate; Moves to Governor | 02-19-2015
West Virginia Bill to Allow Uncovered Aftermarket Light Bars Approved by Committee; Moves to Judiciary | 02-18-2015
New Hampshire Bill to Include Older Trucks as Antiques Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-18-2015
Wyoming Senate Committee Approves Bill to Provide Single License Plate; Moves to Full Senate | 02-12-2015
West Virginia Reintroduces Bill to Increase Property Taxes on Many Antique Motor Vehicles | 02-04-2015
Virginia Bill to Exempt Some Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions Approved by Senate; Moves to House | 01-30-2015
Vermont Bill to Provide Titles for Exempted Vehicles | 01-28-2015
Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles to be Considered on Tuesday February 3 2015 | 01-27-2015
Wyoming Bill to Provide Single License Plate Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 01-21-2015
Bill Reintroduced to Protect West Virginia Hobbyists from Unfair Exhaust Noise Citations | 01-21-2015
Virginia Bill to Provide for Permanent Vehicle Registration to be Considered on Wednesday January 21 2015 | 01-20-2015
Wyoming Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles to be Considered on January 15 2015 | 01-14-2015
Virginia Reintroduces Bills to Exempt Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions | 01-12-2015
California Bill to Create Road Usage Fee Pilot Program Approved by Legislature; Goes to Governor | 08-27-2014
Massachusetts Legislature Adjourns for the Year | 08-05-2014
California Lawmakers Issue Resolution Proclaiming July 11, 2014 as COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY | 07-01-2014
New York Legislature Adjourns for the Year | 07-01-2014
Illinois Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Antique Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 07-01-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Prohibit Ethanol Blended Gasoline at Levels Greater Than 10% Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 06-30-2014
Rhode Island Bills to Allow Replica Year of Manufacture License Plates Move to Governor | 06-30-2014
Rhode Island Bill to Allow Year of Manufacture License Plates Passed by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 06-17-2014
Delaware Bill to Exempt Reconstructed Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Signed Into Law | 06-13-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Expand Year-of-Manufacture Plates Law Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 05-16-2014
Delaware Bill to Exempt Reconstructed Vehicles From Emissions Inspections Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 05-16-2014
Senate Version of Rhode Island Bill to Allow Year of Manufacture License Plates to be Considered on Wed., May 14 | 05-12-2014
Louisiana Bill to Recognize "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION WEEKEND" Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 05-01-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Expand Year-of-Manufacture Plates Law Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 04-28-2014
New York Bill to Provide Single Plate Option for Motor Vehicles to be Considered on Tues., April 29 | 04-24-2014
Rhode Island Bill to Allow Year of Manufacture License Plates to be Considered on Thurs., May 1 | 04-24-2014
Louisiana Bill to Recognize COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION WEEKEND Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 04-15-2014
Arizona Bill to Exempt Vehicles 40-Years Old and Older From Emissions Inspections Dead for the Year | 04-15-2014
Amended Ohio Headlamps Bill Signed Into Law | 04-10-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Expand Year-of-Manufacture Plates Law Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 04-02-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Prohibit Ethanol Blended Gasoline at Levels Greater Than 10% Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 04-01-2014
Louisiana Bill to Recognize COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION WEEKEND Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 04-01-2014
Washington State Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Tests Signed Into Law | 03-31-2014
Implementation of Arizona Law to Exempt Pre-75 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Delayed | 03-28-2014
Minnesota Bill to Ease Process for Designating Classic Cars Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 03-20-2014
Minnesota Bill to Ease Process for Designating Classic Cars to be Considered on March 19, 2014 | 03-18-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Expand Year-of-Manufacture Plates Law Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-18-2014
Louisiana Bill to Recognize COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION WEEKEND Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 03-18-2014
Washington State Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 03-17-2014
Province of British Columbia Proclaims July 12, 2014 as "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 03-07-2014
Michigan Bill to Exempt Certain Historic Military Vehicles From License Plate Requirement Signed into Law | 03-07-2014
Washington State Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Tests Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 03-07-2014
Maryland Bill to Provide Second Chance for Vehicles that Fail OBD Emissions Test Not Approved by Committee | 03-05-2014
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions to be Held Over to 2015 | 03-05-2014
Tennessee Bill to Exempt Antique Vehicles From Privilege Tax Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 03-04-2014
Tennessee Bills to Exempt Antique Vehicles From Privilege Tax to be Considered Next Week | 02-21-2014
Kentucky Bill to Assess Motor Vehicles for Property Tax Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-18-2014
Arizona Introduces Bill to Exempt Vehicles 40-Years Old and Older From Emissions Inspections | 02-18-2014
Tennessee Bills to Exempt Antique Vehicles From Privilege Tax to be Considered in Committee on Feb. 19, 2014 | 02-18-2014
Washington State Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Tests Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-18-2014
Virginia Bill to Exempt Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-11-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Expand Year-of-Manufacture Plates Law to be Considered on Feb. 11, 2014 | 02-07-2014
New Hampshire Bill to Prohibit Ethanol Blended Gasoline at Levels Greater Than 10% to be Considered on Feb. 11, 2014 | 02-06-2014
Ohio Bill to Expand Use of Historical Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-06-2014
Washington State Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Tests Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-06-2014
Kentucky Bill to Assess Motor Vehicles for Property Tax Amended and Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House | 02-05-2014
Maryland Bill to Provide Second Chance for Vehicles that Fail OBD Emissions Test to be Considered on Feb., 14, 2014 | 02-05-2014
Hawaii Bill to Ban Most Aftermarket Exhaust Systems | 01-28-2014
Washington State Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Tests to be Considered on January 31, 2014 | 01-28-2014
Maryland Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Historic Vehicles/Street Rods to be Considered on Jan. 28, 2014 | 01-23-2014
Washington State Introduces Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles | 01-20-2014
Kansas Anti-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill to be Considered by Committee on January 21, 2014 | 01-17-2014
Washington Introduces Bill to Exempt Collectible Vehicles From Emissions Test Requirement | 01-17-2014
Delaware Bill to Exempt Reconstructed Vehicles From Emissions Inspection Requirement to be Considered by Senate | 01-17-2014
Ohio Bill to Expand Use of Historical Vehicles to be Considered by Committee on January 14 | 01-13-2014
Bill Reintroduced to Protect West Virginia Hobbyists from Unfair Exhaust Noise Citations | 01-10-2014
Maryland Introduces Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Historic Vehicles/Street Rods | 01-08-2014
Wisconsin Bill to Ease Restrictions on Collector Cars and Historic Military Vehicles Signed into Law | 12-18-2013
Ohio Headlamps Bill Amended | 11-15-2013
Wisconsin Bill to Ease Restrictions on Collector Cars and Historic Military Approved by Assembly; Moves to Governor | 10-15-2013
Ohio Bill Could Unfairly Restrict Headlamps | 10-04-2013
Massachusetts Committee Again Considers Bill to Ban the Use/Sale of Aftermarket Exhaust Systems | 09-25-2013
Wisconsin Senate Approves Bill to Ease Restrictions on Collector Cars and Historic Military Vehicles | 09-24-2013
Bill to Exempt Certain Historic Military Vehicles From License Plate Requirement Introduced in Michigan | 09-09-2013
Massachusetts Bill to Provide for Single License Plate to be Considered in Committee on September 10 | 08-23-2013
Thousands Celebrate "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 07-22-2013
"COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" Is Finally Here! | 07-12-2013
North Carolina Bill to Speed Titling Process for Older Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 07-11-2013
Washington Parish, Louisiana Proclaims July 12, 2013 as "COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY" | 07-10-2013
North Carolina Bill to Speed Titling Process for Older Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 07-09-2013
North Carolina Bill to Speed Titling Process for Out-of-State Older Vehicles Now to be Considered on July 9 | 07-02-2013
Pennsylvania Introduces Alternate Bill to Extend Emissions Inspection Waiver for Newer Cars | 06-26-2013
Ohio Bill to Provide for Single License Plate Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor for Vote | 06-26-2013
North Carolina Bill to Restrict Headlamp Options Now to be Considered on Tues., June 25 | 06-21-2013
North Carolina Bill to Speed Titling Process for Out-of-State Older Vehicles to be Considered on June 25 | 06-20-2013
U.S. Senate Committee Amends Bill to Reopen OHV Access to North Carolinas Cape Hatteras National Seashore | 06-19-2013
Provision to Save Californias Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area Approved by House; Will Now be Considered by Senate | 06-14-2013
Connecticut Bill to Increase Property Taxes and Limit Use of Hobby Cars Dies as Legislature Adjourns for the Year | 06-14-2013
Provision to Save Californias Johnson Valley OHV Recreation Area Moves Closer to Becoming Law | 06-07-2013
U.S. House Committee Approves Bill to Reopen OHV Access to North Carolinas Cape Hatteras National Seashore | 05-17-2013
Florida Bill to Reduce Registration Fees for Motor Vehicles Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 05-06-2013
West Virginia Bill to Open Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area to Off-Road Vehicles Signed Into Law | 05-03-2013
Florida Bill to Reduce Registration Fees for Motor Vehicles Amended and Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 05-02-2013
Colorado Bill to Extend Emissions Inspection Waiver Approved by Appropriations Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 05-01-2013
West Virginia Bill to Exempt Older Vehicles From Property Tax Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-23-2013
North Carolina Bill to Speed Titling Process for Out-of-State Older Vehicles Amended and Approved by Senate | 04-23-2013
West Virginia Bill to Raise Antique/Classic Property Taxes Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 04-22-2013
West Virginia Bill to Open Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Area to Off-Road Vehicles Moves to Governor | 04-19-2013
Florida Bill to Reduce Registration Fees for Motor Vehicles Approved by Senate Committee | 04-19-2013
Washington Inoperable Vehicle Bill Dead for the Year | 04-15-2013
Connecticut House to Consider Bill to Increase Property Taxes on Antique/Rare/Special Interest Motor Vehicles | 04-10-2013
Idaho Introduces Bills to Increase Registration Fees | 04-04-2013
Wisconsin Introduces Bill to Ease Restrictions on Collector Cars and Historic Military Vehicles | 04-03-2013
Senate Version of Florida Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline to be Considered on April 1 | 03-29-2013
Florida Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 03-28-2013
Maryland Bills to Create Special Vintage Reproduction License Plates Approved by Senate/House | 03-26-2013
Connecticut Committee Approves Bill to Increase Property Taxes on Antique/Rare/Special Interest Motor Vehicles | 03-25-2013
Florida Bill to Eliminate Ethanol Requirement in Gasoline to be Considered on Fri., March 22 | 03-21-2013
North Carolina Introduces Bill to Speed Titling Process for Out-of-State Older Vehicles | 03-20-2013
West Virginia Bill on Antique Motor Vehicle Property Taxes Amended and Approved by Committee | 03-15-2013
Montana Bill to Provide for Single Year-of-Manufacture License Plate Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 03-14-2013
Bill in U.S. Congress Would Reopen OHV Access to North Carolinas Cape Hatteras National Seashore | 03-14-2013
West Virginia Bill Raises Limit on Property Taxes Paid on Antique Classic Motor Vehicles | 03-13-2013
Illinois Bill Seeks to Encourage E15 Sales | 03-12-2013
Texas Introduces Bill to Increase Registration Fees | 03-12-2013
Montana Bill to Provide for Single Year-of-Manufacture License Plate Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate | 03-11-2013
Texas Single License Plate Bill Introduced in Texas Legislature to be Considered on Tues. March 12 | 03-08-2013
COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY is on July 12 2013 | 03-08-2013
Montana Bill to Provide for Single Year-of-Manufacture License Plate Approved by House; Moves to Senate | 02-28-2013
Bill Introduced in U.S. House of Representatives to Stop Sale of E15 Gas Pending Scientific Analysis | 02-28-2013
Texas Considers Taxing Cars for Miles Traveled | 02-26-2013
Connecticut Reintroduces Bill to Increase Property Taxes on Antique/Rare/Special Interest Motor Vehicles | 02-22-2013
Virginia Bill to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 02-19-2013
Virginia Bill to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects Approved by Senate Committee; Moves to Senate Floor | 02-14-2013
Colorado Bill to Extend Emissions Inspection Waiver to be Considered on Thurs., Feb. 14 | 02-13-2013
Hearing on Montana Anti-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill Cancelled; Rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 19 | 02-12-2013
Sponsor Pulls Montana Anti-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill From Committee Consideration | 02-12-2013
Connecticut Reintroduces Bill to Increase Property Taxes on Antique/Rare/Special Interest Motor Vehicles | 02-11-2013
Hobbyists Asked to Testify in Support of Maryland Bill to Provide for Single License Plate | 02-07-2013
Virginia Bill to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects Approved by House; Moves to Senate Committee | 02-07-2013
Senate Rules Committee Approves Pro-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill in Washington State; Moves to Floor of Senate | 02-06-2013
Missouri Bill to Provide for Single License Plate to be Considered by Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 6 | 02-04-2013
Montana Bill to Provide for Single Year-of-Manufacture License Plate Approved by Committee; Moves to House Floor | 02-01-2013
Virginia Bill to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects Approved by Committee; Moves Next to House Floor | 02-01-2013
SAN Members Crucial in Gathering 25,000 Petition Signatures to Save Johnson Valley OHV Area | 01-29-2013
Maine Bill to Remove Restrictions on Tire Size to be Considered by Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 6 | 01-28-2013
Wyoming Bill to Increase Registration Fees to be Considered by Committee on Friday, Jan. 25 | 01-24-2013
Washington State Pro-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill to be Considered by Committee on Monday, Jan. 28 | 01-24-2013
Georgia Threatens to Raise Taxes on Older Vehicles | 01-21-2013
Apply Now for California Legacy License Plates | 01-15-2013
California's Johnson Valley OHV Area Guaranteed Temporary Protection from Marine Base Expansion | 12-20-2012
SAN Announces Winner of Hot Rod Magazine Contest | 08-30-2012
Massachusetts Bill to Ban the Use/Sale of Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Assigned to Study | 08-03-2012
Thousands Celebrate Collector Car Appreciation Day | 07-27-2012
LAST CHANCE: SAN/Hot Rod Magazine Contest | 07-24-2012
Massachusetts Bill to Tax Gas Guzzlers On the Move | 07-23-2012
New York Legislature Adjourns for the Year, Collector Car Appreciation Day Recognized; Other Hobbyist Bills Die | 06-29-2012
New York Assembly Approves Resolution Recognizing July 13, 2012 COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY | 06-27-2012
Iowa Bill to Reduce Registration Fee for Limited-Use Older Motor Vehicles Fails to Gain Approval | 06-19-2012
Iowa Bill to Protect Hobbyists From Unfair Exhaust Noise Citations Not Given Committee Consideration | 06-18-2012
SAN Announces Hot Rod Magazine Contest | 06-15-2012
Michigan Bill to Expand Use of Historic Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Governor for Signature | 06-14-2012
Iowa Bill to Restrict Consumer Information on Ethanol Content in Gasoline Officially Dead | 06-13-2012
Michigan Bill to Expand Use of Historic Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Vote by All House Members | 06-12-2012
Michigan Bill to Expand Use of Historic Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves Next to House | 06-08-2012
Michigan Bill to Expand Use of Historic Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Vote by All Senators | 06-06-2012
Colorado Bill to Extend Emissions Inspection Waiver for Newer Cars Dies as Legislature Adjourns | 05-24-2012
Connecticut Bill to Restrict Access to Antique Vehicle Registration and Increase Fees Again Dies as Session Ends | 05-10-2012
Effort to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles From California's Emissions Inspection Requirement Dropped For the Year | 04-30-2012
Pennsylvania Bill to Provide for Year-of-Manufacture Plates Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor | 04-05-2012
Texas DMV Issues Implementation Policy for Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Law; Contains Major Flaw | 04-04-2012
Committee Hearing Rescheduled for California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles From Emissions Inspection Requirement | 03-27-2012
Utah Bill to Provide One-Time Registration Fee for Vintage Travel Trailers Signed Into Law | 03-26-2012
Nebraska Bill to Create Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles Signed Into Law | 03-21-2012
Wisconsin Legislature Approves Amended Motor Vehicle Registration Rights Bill; Moves to Governor | 03-19-2012
Michigan Introduces Bill to Require Labeling on All Pumps Dispensing Ethanol Blended Gasoline | 03-19-2012
West Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill on Property Taxes Paid on Antique/Classic Motor Vehicles | 03-16-2012
California Introduces Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles From Emissions Inspection Requirement | 03-15-2012
Amended Virginia Bill to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects Approved by House; Moves to Governor | 03-12-2012
Utah Bill to Provide One-Time Registration Fee for Vintage Travel Trailers Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor | 02-24-2012
Committee Hearings on Maryland Historic Vehicle Registration Bills Scheduled for February 28 and 29 | 02-24-2012
West Virginia Bill to Allow Aftermarket Exhaust Systems to be Considered by Judiciary Committee on Thurs., Feb. 23 | 02-22-2012
Maryland Bills to Restrict Eligibility for Historic Vehicle Registration Amended to Satisfy Hobbyist Concerns | 02-22-2012
Illinois Bill Seeks to Encourage E15 Sales | 02-21-2012
Rules Committee Approves Washington State Pro-Hobbyist Inoperable Vehicle Bill; Moves Next to Senate Floor | 02-13-2012
U.S. House Committee Passes Bill Requiring Independent Scientific Analysis of E15 Gasoline | 02-07-2012
Utah Bill to Provide One-Time Registration Fee for Vintage Travel Trailers Approved by Committee | 02-01-2012
Virginia Bill to be Amended to Benefit Vehicle Restoration Projects; Subcommittee Hearing Scheduled for Wed., Feb. 1 | 01-31-2012
West Virginia Bill to Limit Property Taxes Paid on Antique Motor Vehicles Approved; Moves Now to Finance Committee | 01-26-2012
Federal Government Proposes Mandatory Salt Replenishment Program for Bonneville Salt Flats | 12-01-2011
Connecticut Bill to Further Restrict Access to Antique Vehicle Registration and Increase Fees Dies as Session Ends | 10-02-2011
Senate Passes Illinois Bill to Expand Use of Antique Vehicles; Sent to Governor for Approval | 09-25-2011
Washington Bill That Originally Sought to Restrict Access to Collector License Plates Signed Into Law | 09-15-2011
Pro-Hobbyist Oklahoma Racing Bill Signed Into Law | 09-10-2011
Celebrate Collector Car Appreciation Day! | 08-31-2011
Texas Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill Approved by full House; Moves Next to Senate Transportation Committee | 08-25-2011
Urgent Enforcement Alert for Cincinnati, Ohio | 08-05-2011
Nebraska Withdraws Bill to Restrict Consumer Information on Ethanol Content in Gasoline | 08-01-2011
Hearing on Bill to Exempt Hobby Cars Scheduled for Nevada Senate Transportation Committee on April 28 | 04-25-2011
Resolution Designating July 8, 2011 as "Collector Car Appreciation Day" Approved by U.S. Senate | 04-15-2011
North Dakota Bill to Restrict Vehicle Modifications Amended to Provide for Legislative Study | 03-15-2011
Iowa Bill to Restrict Consumer Information on Ethanol Content in Gasoline Dead for the Year; Could Reemerge Next Year | 03-15-2011
Washington Bill to Restrict Access to Collector License Plates Amended and Approved by House Transportation Committee | 03-15-2011
Utah Bill to Classify Vehicles 30 Years Old and Older as "Vintage Vehicles" Signed Into Law by Governor Gary Herbert | 03-10-2011
Iowa Reintroduces Bill to Reduce Registration Fee for Limited-Mileage Antique Motor Vehicles | 02-10-2011
Maine Working Group Recommends Delays to Further Restrictions on Aftermarket Exhaust Systems | 02-09-2011
New York Reconsiders Taxing "Gas Guzzlers" | 02-04-2011
Committee Will Not Take Action on Washington State Bill to Increase Fees for Collector Cars and Horseless Carriages | 02-01-2011
West Virginia Bills to Lower Personal Property Tax Assessments on Antique Motor Vehicles | 01-24-2011
Fenders No Longer Required on Iowa Hobby Cars | 01-09-2011
Pro-Hobbyist Michigan Racing Bill Introduced | 01-08-2011
Pennsylvania Bill Would Increase Fees for Street Rods, Antiques, Classics & Collectible Vehicles | 01-05-2011
Prince Edward Island Nitrous Oxide | 12-01-2010
California Bill to Increase Specially Constructed Vehicle Limit Fails to Pass Senate Committee | 11-15-2010
Pro-Hobbyist Vermont Inoperable Vehicle Bill Approved by Legislature; Sent to Governor for Signature | 09-25-2010
Kansas Bill Would Increase Fees for Antiques, Street Rods and Special Interest Vehicles | 09-15-2010
Washington State Scraps Scrappage... Again! | 07-15-2010
Ohio Pro-Hobbyist Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill to be Considered by Committee on Wed., Feb 10th | 05-04-2010
Committee Meeting On Pro-Hobbyist Ohio Street Rod Bill is CANCELED; Will Be Rescheduled | 03-30-2010
Ohio Pro-Hobbyist Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill to be Considered by Committee on Wed. Jan 27 | 02-16-2010
Environment Canada Proposes Indefinite Exemption for Leaded Gasoline in Competition Vehicles | 02-02-2010
"Cash for Clunkers" Legislation Signed Into Law | 10-20-2009
Pro-Hobbyist Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill Reintroduced in Ohio; Committee Hearing Scheduled for Wed., Oct. 7 | 10-05-2009
California Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 15 Years Old and Older Dies in Committee | 09-22-2009
Texas Street Rod and Replica Vehicle Bill Fails to Receive Vote in Full House of Representatives; Hope Remains | 08-25-2009
Connecticut Introduces Bill to Exempt Antique, Rare and Special Interest Vehicles from Property Taxes | 06-30-2009
Washington State Scraps Scrappage | 05-19-2009
New York Reconsiders Taxing "Gas Guzzlers" | 04-21-2009
Indiana Regulators Propose to Redefine Antique Vehicles to Force More into Emissions Tests | 03-24-2009
Congress Rejects "Cash for Clunkers" Program | 02-24-2009
Pro Hobbyist Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill to be Considered by New Jersey Senate Committee | 01-15-2009
Washington Hobbyists Say No to Greenhouse Gas Taxes | 05-01-2008
California Bill to Require ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 15-Years Old Dead for the Year | 12-15-2007
California "Gas Guzzler" Proposal Defeated | 10-01-2007
Iowa Bill to Ban HID Headlamps Rejected | 09-15-2007
Harmful Illinois Inoperable Vehicle Bill Defeated | 08-15-2007
SAN Turns Back New York Bill to Ban Spinner Hubcaps | 06-15-2007
SAN Defeats West Virginia Inoperable Vehicle Bill | 05-01-2007
Colorado Pro Hobbyist Kit Car Bill Signed into Law | 10-20-2006
Minnesota Off-Roaders Stake Claim to Riding Areas | 10-06-2006
Michigan Representative Decides Not to Move Forward With Bill to Ban Aftermarket Exhaust Systems | 06-30-2006
California Publishes Smog Check Certification Policy For Specially Constructed Vehicles | 12-06-2005
Illinois Blue Dot Taillight Bill Signed Into Law | 11-15-2005
SEMA Custom Vehicle Bill Becomes Law in Maine | 11-01-2005
Illinois Bill to Ban Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Dies for the Year as Legislative Session Adjourns | 10-01-2005
Georgia Blue Dot Bill Signed Into Law | 09-01-2005
Hawaii Bill to Increase Fines for Violation of Aftermarket Exhaust System Ban Dies As Legislature Adjourns for Year | 08-15-2005
SAN Keeps the Spin In Iowa Hubcaps Options | 04-15-2005
Virginia Bill to Ban Spinner Wheels Dies | 04-01-2005
Oregon Voters Reject Tillamook Forestry Plan | 11-07-2004
Rhode Island, Missouri Become Second and Third States to Enact SEMA Street Rod/Custom Vehicle Registration Bill | 09-07-2004
Hawaii Street Rod/Replica Bill Signed Into Law | 08-07-2004
New Hampshire Exhaust Noise Bill Becomes Law | 06-07-2004
Blue Dot Taillights in Illinois and Mississippi | 04-07-2004
Mississippi Replica Vehicles | 03-07-2004
Virginia Inoperable Vehicles | 02-07-2004
Maryland Inspection Standards Proposal Withdrawn | 10-01-2003
Oregon Vehicle Lighting Equipment Bill Becomes Law | 08-15-2003
South Carolina Headlamps Legislation Abandoned | 08-01-2003
Maine Enacts SEMA-model Exhaust Noise legislation | 07-01-2003
Ontario "Street Racing" Legislation Overreaches | 02-01-2003
Vermont Anti-Hobby Inoperable Vehicle Bill Dies | 12-15-2002
Rhode Island Bills to Tax "Gas Guzzlers" Dies | 11-01-2002
Save a Car From Scrappage | 10-15-2002
Nebraska Keeps Nitrous Oxide Equipment Legal | 10-15-2002
Vermont Scraps Scrappage Legislation | 10-01-2002
Arizona Bill to Tax "Gas Guzzlers" Dies | 09-07-2002
California Bill to Allow Cargo Lamps Signed into Law | 10-07-2001
Oregon Pro-Hobbyist Zoning Legislation Fails | 09-15-2001
Texas Bill to Protect Antique Vehicles from the Public Nuisance Statute Signed into Law | 08-01-2001
California Abandons Plan to Destroy Pre-1970 Cars | 06-15-2001
Unfair Inoperable Vehicle Bill in Alabama Fails | 05-01-2001
Georgia Legislation to Ban Taillight Covers is Dead | 04-15-2001
Maine Passes Pro-Hobby Custom Vehicle Legislation | 03-01-2001
California Legislation to Eliminate Emissions Testing Exemption for Older Vehicles Defeated... For Now | 02-07-2001
Utah Passes Pro-Hobby Raised Vehicle Legislation | 02-01-2001
Delaware Unfair Inoperable Vehicle Bill Dies | 08-04-2000
Vermont "Junk" Vehicle Bill Junked | 08-01-2000
Georgia Nitrous Oxide Ban Legislation Dies | 06-15-2000
Nebraska Nitrous Restriction Bills Die | 05-15-2000
Texas Adopts Scrappage Program Regulation | 05-01-2000
West Virginia Inoperable Vehicle Bill Fails | 03-01-2000
Maryland Withdraws Raised Vehicle Regulation | 05-01-1999
Delaware Street Rodders Win Emissions Exemption | 09-03-1998