California Bill to Require Ingredient Labeling on All Cleaning Products to be Considered on March 29, 2017


California Bill to Require Ingredient Labeling on All Cleaning Products to be Considered on March 29, 2017

DON’T DELAY!  Please voice your Opposition for S.B. 258 immediately to California Senate Environmental Quality Committee Members by emailing now:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • S.B. 258 would make manufacturers list every ingredient in a cleaning product including products used to wash, wax and polish the interior and exterior surfaces of motor vehicles.  Ingredients would be listed on a product label, on any secondary product packaging and on the company website.  
  • S.B. 258 would be costly and onerous for manufacturers of cleaning products and require listing for chemicals that pose no health risk at all.  
  • S.B. 258 adds to Proposition 65 and other laws that already require warning labels for chemicals known to pose health risks.
  • S.B. 258 fails to protect a company’s confidential business information thereby allowing competitors to unfairly exploit that company’s research and development and intellectual property. 

Overview: Legislation (S.B. 258) to require cleaning product manufacturers to disclose all ingredients and “contaminants of concern” on the product label and the manufacturer’s website will be considered by the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on Wednesday, March 29, 2017.  SEMA has joined with the California Chamber of Commerce and several other business groups to oppose the bill.