Thanks to the efforts of the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada, the Manitoba Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade has issued a proclamation designating July 14, 2017 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” in the province. The Minister also designated the month of thanks to the efforts of the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada, the Manitoba Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade has issued a proclamation designating July 14, 2017 as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” in the province. The Minister also designated the month of July as “Automotive Heritage Month.” Manitoba joins several provinces, states, and cities in the U.S. that have officially recognized the celebration. The date marks the eighth commemoration in what has become an annual event.
In the previous seven years, thousands of enthusiasts in the U.S and Canada have gathered at car cruises, parades, and other events to celebrate our nation’s automotive heritage. By taking part in these events around the country, these automotive enthusiasts and related businesses have ensured that their passion was honored and recognized.
Make your plans to get involved. Individuals, car clubs, and business owners have been registering their gatherings for inclusion on the SAN website at this link. However you choose, please pay tribute to our hobby’s special day by holding or attending a celebration near you. Encourage others to follow suit. Let’s get those cars and trucks out of the garage and onto the road!
Please submit the details of your celebration. For questions, contact SAN Director Colby Martin at 909-978-6721 or san@sema.org. You may also download the official logo and flyer from the homepage and help promote this special day.
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