Legislation (H.B. 741) that would allow Virginia’s antique vehicle hobbyists to install and use aftermarket exhaust systems has been introduced in Virginia. Currently, all vehicles are required to have exhaust systems of a type installed as standard factory equipment, or comparable to that designed for use on the particular vehicle as standard factory equipment. Further, exhaust systems must not emit noise in excess of that permitted by the standard factory equipment.
We Urge You to Contact Members of the House Transportation Committee (List Below) Immediately to Request Their Support for H.B. 741
- Under Virginia law, an antique motor vehicle is every motor vehicle which was actually manufactured or designated by the manufacturer as a model manufactured in a calendar year not less than 25 years prior to January 1 of each calendar year and is owned solely as a collector's item.
- H.B. 741 would benefit consumers, the aftermarket industry and police officers who are charged with enforcing the law.
- H.B. 741 would remedy the enforcement policy currently used by police officers in which nearly all exhaust systems not of a type installed as standard factory equipment are considered illegal - even where noise levels are not excessive. This policy leaves antique vehicle enthusiasts, exhaust system manufacturers and dealers without recourse.
- H.B. 741 recognizes that factory replacement parts or comparables are not always readily available for antique motor vehicles.
- H.B. 741 recognizes that aftermarket exhaust systems are designed to make vehicles run more efficiently without increasing emissions.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Virginia House Transportation Committee immediately by phone or e-mail to request their support for H.B. 741.
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Also, please forward this Alert to your fellow car enthusiasts. Urge them to join the SAN and help defend the hobby! Thank you for your assistance.
Virginia House Transportation Committee
To e-mail all Committee members, copy and paste the email address block below:
DelTRust@house.virginia.gov; DelTHugo@house.virginia.gov; DelEScott@house.virginia.gov; DelRVillanueva@house.virginia.gov; DelBComstock@house.virginia.gov; DelSGarrett@house.virginia.gov; DelGHabeeb@house.virginia.gov; DelRAnderson@house.virginia.gov; DelRMinchew@house.virginia.gov; DelDYancey@house.virginia.gov; DelJLeMunyon@house.virginia.gov; DelGDavis@house.virginia.gov; DelSTaylor@house.virginia.gov; DelTAustin@house.virginia.gov; DelDLaRock@house.virginia.gov; DelJWard@house.virginia.gov; DelMBaCote@house.virginia.gov; DelRBrink@house.virginia.gov; DelDToscano@house.virginia.gov; DelDMcQuinn@house.virginia.gov; DelBCarr@house.virginia.gov; DelEFiller-Corn@house.virginia.gov