Legislation (H.B. 3142) to establish a pilot program to impose a vehicle mileage user fee administered by the Department of Transportation was introduced in Massachusetts. This bill is intended to supplement the gas tax and implement alternative ways to raise transportation revenue for the state. Under the bill, the Department must report to the legislature on the feasibility of permanently assessing a vehicle mileage user fee. The pilot program would include at least 1,000 drivers of trucks, passenger and commercial vehicles. These drivers would have on-board vehicle-mileage-counting equipment installed on their vehicles which can report the number of miles traveled. Payments would be collected from participants.
We Urge You to Contact the Joint Transportation CommitteeMembers (List Below) Immediately To Request Their Opposition to H.B. 3142
- H.B. 3142 seeks to penalize national efforts to create a more fuel efficient vehicle fleet. As gas tax revenues decrease due to hybrid and electric vehicle ownership, states are looking for new sources of funding for pet projects.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Massachusetts Joint Transportation Committee immediately to request their opposition to H.B. 3142.
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Also, please forward this Alert to your fellow car enthusiasts. Urge them to join the SAN and help defend the hobby! Thank you for your assistance.
Massachusetts Joint Transportation Committee
To e-mail all Committee members, copy and paste the email address block below:
Thomas.McGee@masenate.gov; William.Straus@mahouse.gov; Thomas.P.Kennedy@masenate.gov; John.Mahoney@mahouse.gov; Gale.Candaras@masenate.gov; Marc.Pacheco@masenate.gov; Robert.Hedlund@masenate.gov; Michael.Moore@masenate.gov; Mike.Rush@masenate.gov; John.Fernandes@mahouse.gov; Timothy.Madden@mahouse.gov; Mark.Cusack@mahouse.gov; Christopher.Markey@mahouse.gov; Chris.Walsh@mahouse.gov; Peter.Durant@mahouse.gov; Danielle.Gregoire@mahouse.gov; Gailanne.Cariddi@mahouse.gov; Michael.Finn@mahouse.gov; Jerald.Parisella@mahouse.gov; steven.howitt@mahouse.gov