Hawaii Reintroduces Bill to Ban Most Aftermarket Exhaust Systems
Legislation (H.B. 1093) to prohibit the use, sale or installation of an exhaust system “that has been changed or modified from the factory design so as to increase the volume or audibility of the explosions within the vehicle’s motor” was reintroduced in Hawaii. The bill would also require that safety inspection stations perform a test to ensure that a vehicle conforms to the law. Fines for noncompliance would range from $100 to $500 for each offense.
We Urge You to Contact House Transportation Committee Members (List Attached) Immediately to Oppose H.B. 1093
- H.B. 1093 provides no test by which vehicles would be tested. Many states have established noise limits for modified exhaust systems based on an easy to administer objective test standard (SAE J1169) to a fair noise limit of 95-decibels.
- H.B. 1093 would force inspectors to fail vehicles for violation of an unspecified test.
- H.B. 1093 does not provide inspection stations with decibel readings on factory-installed exhaust systems.
- H.B. 1093 ignores the fact that aftermarket exhaust systems are designed to make vehicles run more efficiently without increasing emissions.
- H.B. 1093 would make it almost impossible for hobbyists to replace factory exhaust systems.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Hawaii House Transportation Committee immediately to request their opposition to H.B. 1093.
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Also, please forward this Alert to your fellow car enthusiasts. Urge them to join the SAN and help defend the hobby! Thank you for your assistance.
Hawaii House Transportation Committee
To e-mail all Committee members, copy and paste the email address block below:
repaquino@Capitol.hawaii.gov; replopresti@Capitol.hawaii.gov; rephar@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repichiyama@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repjohanson@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repkeohokalole@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repnakashima@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repsanbuenaventura@Capitol.hawaii.gov; reptakayama@Capitol.hawaii.gov; reptakumi@Capitol.hawaii.gov; repyamashita@Capitol.hawaii.gov; reptupola@Capitol.hawaii.gov