DON’T DELAY! Contact members of the Senate Transportation and Veterans Affairs Committee immediately by phone or e-mail to request their support for S.B. 458/A.B. 554
- A.B. 554/S.B. 458 would protect the design contours of collector cars and relieve vehicle owners of the burden of having to create mounting holes on some fabricated and original bumpers.
- A.B. 554/S.B. 458 would save money, conserve resources and bring Wisconsin in line with other states that have moved to a single plate requirement.
Overview: Legislation (A.B. 554/S.B. 458) has been introduced in Wisconsin that would allow vehicles manufactured without a front license-plate bracket and collector's special interest vehicles the option to display only a single license plate on the rear of the vehicle. The bill has been referred to the Senate Transportation Veterans and Military Affairs Committee and the Assembly Transportation Committee.