Legislation (H.B. 270) to allow the owner of a motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer manufactured in the year 1948, 1949, or 1950 to display a single original Montana license plate that is affixed to the rear of the vehicle was approved by the Montana Senate Highways and Transportation Committee and will now be considered by the full Senate. Having already been passed by the House of Representatives, the bill is in its final steps to the governor’s office. Under the bill, the original Montana license plate must be legible and must bear the year that matches the year in which the vehicle was manufactured.
We Urge You to Contact All Members of the Montana Senate (Contact Info Below) Immediately to Request Support for H.B. 270
- H.B. 270 would reinstate the single plate requirement that existed for motor vehicles in 1948 – 1950.
- H.B. 270 would protect the aesthetic contours of these model year collector cars and relieve vehicle owners of the burden of having to create mounting holes on fabricated bumpers, etc.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Montana Senate immediately by phone or e-mail to request their support for H.B. 270.
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Also, please forward this Alert to your fellow car enthusiasts. Urge them to join the SAN and help defend the hobby! Thank you for your assistance.
Montana Senate
To e-mail all Senate members, copy and paste the email address block below:
Emarntzen@gmail.com; ronarthun@gmail.com; shannonjaugare@gmail.com; grt3177@smtel.com; Rnewbar@gmail.com; anders.blewett@gmail.com; Scott@scottBoulanger.com; senatorbrenden@gmail.com; Brownforsd2@gmail.com; taylor@northernbroadcasting.com; ebuttrey@senate13.com; marycaferro@gmail.com; robyn@robyndriscoll.com; jessmann@mt.gov; facey_tom@hotmail.com; GetItRight@montana.com; wranglergallery@hotmail.com; vjack@centurytel.net; larry@imt.net; Jergeson4senator@yahoo.com; lcjones@3rivers.net; kaufmann@mt.net; cliff@larsenusa.com; davelewisd@aol.com; suemalek@gmail.com; mail@senatorericmoore.com; murphter5@yahoo.com; ajolson@midrivers.com; jpranch@mtintouch.net; Mikephillips@montana.net; jason@priest2010.com; Ripleys@3rivers.net; Mattrosendale@midrivers.com; Sales4mtsenate@hotmail.com; jonsesso@yahoo.com; sonjumt@yahoo.com; apsaalookewomen@yahoo.com; jannataylor@montana.com; Sfredthomas@yahoo.com; tropila@mt.net; tutvedt@montanasky.us; kvandyk@mt.gov; cvvincent@hotmail.com; mt.sd43@gmail.com; ewalker@edwalker2010.com; daveew@gmail.com; webb@adhmontana.com; windyboy_j@yahoo.com; senatorwittich@montana.com