Legislation (H.B. 5405) to increase the age requirement for vehicles eligible for registration as “antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles” will be considered on March 9, 2012 by the Connecticut Joint Committee on Planning and Development. Under the bill, vehicles seeking registration as antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles would be required to be at least 30 years old. Currently, vehicles 20 years old or older are eligible for this status and special license plates. For the purpose of property taxes, the bill also increases the maximum assessment of these vehicles from $500 to $2,500.
We Urge You to Contact Members of the Connecticut Joint Committee on Planning and Development(List Attached Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 5405
For those interested in attending the hearing to voice opposition to H.B. 5405, please refer to the hearing details below:
Friday, March 9, 2012
10:30 AM
Room 2B, Legislative Office Building
Hartford, CT 06106
- H.B. 5405 makes it more difficult to register legitimate antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles, which are defined under the bill as thirty years old or older and being preserved because of historic interest and not altered or modified from the original manufacturer's specifications.
- H.B. 5405 seeks to narrow property tax benefits for antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles by assessing their value at a higher rate.
- H.B. 5405 will require antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles that no longer qualify for special plates to have them replaced with standard plates and taxed using the same calculations used to assess taxes on regular, daily driver vehicles.
- H.B. 5405 makes no provision for “grandfathering” existing antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles 20-30 years old and allowing them to retain their current registration status.
- H.B. 5405 ignores the fact that existing antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles constitute a small portion of the vehicle fleet and are well-maintained, infrequently operated and deserving of continued property tax benefits.
DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Connecticut Joint Committee on Planning and Development immediately by phone or e-mail to request their opposition to H.B. 5405
Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald at stevem@sema.org. Also, please forward this Alert to your fellow car enthusiasts. Urge them to join the SAN and help defend the hobby! Thank you for your assistance.
Connecticut Joint Committee on Planning and Development
To e-mail all Committee members, copy and paste the email address block below:
Vincent.Candelora@housegop.ct.gov; christopher.davis@housegop.ct.gov; Mae.Flexer@cga.ct.gov; Mary.Fritz@cga.ct.gov; Noreen.Kokoruda@housegop.ct.gov; roland.lemar@cga.ct.gov; Elaine.OBrien@cga.ct.gov; jason.perillo@housegop.ct.gov; Lonnie.Reed@cga.ct.gov; Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov; Matthew.Ritter@cga.ct.gov; Jason.Rojas@cga.ct.gov; Kim.Rose@cga.ct.gov; bill.simanski@housegop.ct.gov; richard.smith@housegop.ct.gov; steve.cassano@cga.ct.gov; Linda.Gentile@cga.ct.gov; Eric.Coleman@cga.ct.gov; Auden.Grogins@cga.ct.gov; Len.Fasano@cga.ct.gov; Bill.Aman@cga.ct.gov
Senator Steve Cassano (Co-Chair)
Phone: 860-240-5302
Email: steve.cassano@cga.ct.gov
Representative Linda Gentile (Co-Chair)
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Linda.Gentile@cga.ct.gov
Senator Eric D. Coleman (Vice Chair)
Phone: 860-240-0528
Email: Eric.Coleman@cga.ct.gov
Representative Auden C. Grogins (Vice Chair)
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Auden.Grogins@cga.ct.gov
Senator Len Fasano
Phone: 800-842-1421
Email: Len.Fasano@cga.ct.gov
Representative Bill Aman
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: Bill.Aman@cga.ct.gov
Representative Vincent Candelora
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: Vincent.Candelora@housegop.ct.gov
Representative Christopher Davis
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: christopher.davis@housegop.ct.gov
Representative Mae Flexer
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Mae.Flexer@cga.ct.gov
Representative Mary G. Fritz
Phone: 860-240-8500
Email: Mary.Fritz@cga.ct.gov
Representative Noreen Kokoruda
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: Noreen.Kokoruda@housegop.ct.gov
Representative Roland Lemar
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: roland.lemar@cga.ct.gov
Representative Elaine O'Brien
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Elaine.OBrien@cga.ct.gov
Representative Jason Perillo
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: jason.perillo@housegop.ct.gov
Representative Lonnie Reed
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Lonnie.Reed@cga.ct.gov
Representative Tom Reynolds
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov
Representative Matt Ritter
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Matthew.Ritter@cga.ct.gov
Representative Jason Rojas
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Jason.Rojas@cga.ct.gov
Representative Kim Rose
Phone: 860-240-8585
Email: Kim.Rose@cga.ct.gov
Representative Bill Simanski
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: bill.simanski@housegop.ct.gov
Representative Richard Smith
Phone: 800-842-1423
Email: richard.smith@housegop.ct.gov