The province of Quebec, Canada has drafted legislation to create a mandatory motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program. Slated to begin in 2013, motorists would be required to undergo an emissions inspection as a condition for vehicle registration. According to the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, the program is intended to follow the example of six other Canadian provinces and is expected to be implemented in phases: 1) All vehicles eight years and older will be required to pass inspection before being sold; 2) All vehicles eight years and older will be required to pass inspection regardless of whether or not they are being sold; 3) All vehicles (including new vehicles) will be required to pass inspection. According to the Ministry, the legislation is expected to be reviewed over the course of two years and language specifying the age limits of vehicles to be tested, including whether historic and collector vehicles would be exempted, are still under consideration.
The SEMA Action Network is working with representatives of the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada and other enthusiast groups to ensure that the program makes reasonable accommodations for rarely-used and well-maintained hobbyist cars and is fairly applied to all other vehicles. We will keep you updated as events warrant.