8th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day to be Celebrated July 14, 2017 - 10/26/2016


Breaking News: 2016

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Action Alerts:

8th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day to be Celebrated July 14, 2017 - 10/26/2016

Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Signed into Law - 9/26/2016

Amended Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 9/20/2016

Amended Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by Senate; Moves Back to House - 9/9/2016

California Bill to Require Warranty Disclosure Dies as Legislature Adjourns - 9/9/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Signed Into Law - 8/23/2016

New Hampshire Legislation Dies for the Year as Legislature Adjourns - 8/9/2016

Minnesota Bills to Increase Fees for Fuel Efficient Vehicles/ Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Die as Legislature Adjourns - 8/8/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Assembly; Moves to Governor - 8/8/2016

UPDATE: Help Save California’s OHV Program - 8/5/2016

New Jersey Street Rod and Custom Vehicle Bill Needs Your Support - 7/19/2016

Help Save California’s OHV Program - 7/14/2016

California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Fails Senate Committee Passage - 7/12/2016

City of Calgary Proclaims July 8, 2016 as “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY” - 7/8/2016

Province of Manitoba Proclaims July 8, 2016 as “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY” - 7/7/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Appropriations Committee - 7/7/2016

California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Senate Committee - 6/27/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Assembly Committee - 6/27/2016

SAN Secures U.S. Senate Resolution Designating July 8th as “Collector Car Appreciation Day” - 6/22/2016

Province of Saskatchewan Again Proclaims July as “Automotive Heritage Month” - 6/21/2016

California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Assembly; Moves to Senate - 6/21/2016

New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Signed Into Law - 6/15/2016

Vermont Bill to Increase Range of Fees and Taxes for Motor Vehicles Signed Into Law - 6/8/2016

Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles Signed Into Law - 6/8/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Senate; Moves to Assembly - 6/8/2016

California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Fails to Meet Passage Deadline - 6/7/2016

California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Committee; Moves to Assembly Floor - 6/1/2016

Arizona Bill to Raise Gas Taxes/Create Study to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Dies as Legislature Adjourns - 5/31/2016

Amended California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate - 5/31/2016

Vermont Bill to Increase Range of Fees and Taxes for Motor Vehicles Moves to Governor - 5/25/2016

UPDATE: California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program to be Considered by Appropriations Committee on May 27 - 5/25/2016

UPDATE: New Hampshire Bill to Implement Road User Fee Dies - 5/25/2016

Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Moves to Senate Floor- 5/23/2016

UPDATE: Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Signed Into Law- 5/23/2016

UPDATE: Amended California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections to be Considered by Appropriations Committee on Friday, May 27, 2016- 5/20/2016

UPDATE: Vermont Bill to Penalize Some Aftermarket Exhaust Systems Dies as Legislature Adjourns - 5/19/2016

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Moves to Full Senate - 5/18/2016

UPDATE: Missouri Legislation Dies for the Year as Legislature Adjourns - 5/17/2016

New Jersey Bill to Provide Window Stickers to Vehicles Exempt From Inspections Approved by Committee - 5/16/2016

Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Signed Into Law - 5/16/2016

UPDATE: Hawaii Legislation Dies for the Year as Legislature Adjourns - 5/16/2016

UPDATE: Iowa Single Plate Legislation Dies for the Year as Legislature Adjourns - 5/16/2016

UPDATE: New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Signed Into Law - 5/4/2016

Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 5/4/2016

Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor - 5/4/2016

Province of Prince Edward Island Proclaims July 2016 as “AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE MONTH” - 5/4/2016

UPDATE: Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection Signed Into Law - 5/2/2016

New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor - 5/2/2016

UPDATE: Committee Hearing on Amended California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections Postponed Until Monday, May 9, 2016 - 4/29/2016

California Bill to Increase Transportation Fees and Taxes Approved by Senate Committee - 4/27/2016

Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 4/22/16

New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate- 4/22/16

New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate- 4/22/16

Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate - 4/22/16

California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspections to be Considered by Appropriations Committee on Monday, May 2, 2016 - 4/22/16

Vermont Bill Would Increase Range of Fees and Taxes for Motor Vehicles - 4/21/16

Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Moves to Full Senate - 4/21/16

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates Approved by Committee - 4/21/16

Kentucky Bill to Permit OHV Access to Pine Mountain Trail Dies as Legislature Adjourns - 4/20/16

California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Requirement Approved by Committee; Moves to Appropriations - 4/20/16

Tennessee Bill to Exempt Newer Cars From Emissions Inspection to be Considered by Full House - 4/20/16

New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plate Signed Into Law - 4/20/16

SEMA President Chris Kersting Responds to EPA Decision on Racecar Regulation - 4/15/16

Ohio Senate Introduces Resolution Opposing EPA Ban on Certain Race Cars - 4/14/16

Province of British Columbia Proclaims July 9, 2016 as “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY” - 4/13/16

New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 4/13/16

California Bill to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program Approved by Committee - 4/12/16

(UPDATE) Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor - 4/12/16

New Jersey Reintroduces Bill to Expand Use of Historic Vehicles - 4/11/16

Province of Nova Scotia Again Proclaims July as “AUTOMOTIVE HERITAGE MONTH” - 4/8/16

Breaking News: White House Responds to Racecar Petition - 4/8/16

California Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates to be Considered on April 19, 2016 - 4/8/16

Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Approved by Senate Committee - 4/7/16

California Bill to Require Warranty Disclosure to be Considered on April 19, 2016 - 4/7/16

Missouri Bill to Permanently Register Historic Camping or Fifth Wheel Trailers Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 4/5/16

West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Vetoed by Governor - 4/4/16

California Introduces Bill to Expand Eligibility for Year of Manufacture License Plates - 4/1/16

California Bill Seeks to Expand Vehicle Retirement Program - 3/31/16

Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House - 3/31/16

West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Signed Into Law- 3/31/16

(UPDATE) Idaho Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Dies - 3/29/16

(UPDATE) New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plate Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 3/29/16

(UPDATE) New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Amended and Approved by Senate - 3/28/16

(UPDATE) Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/28/16

(UPDATE) Indiana Bill to Permit Non-Residents to Use Off-Highway Trails Signed Into Law - 3/23/16

(Update) California Bill to Exempt Pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Requirement to be Considered on April 12, 2016 - 3/22/16

(Update) Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by Governor - 3/21/16

Michigan Bill to Facilitate Motorized Access to Forest Roads Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/18/16

New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plate Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor - 3/18/16

West Virginia Legislation Dies for the Year as Legislature Adjourns - 3/17/16

New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/17/16

New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Approved by Committee; Moves to Senate Floor - 3/17/16

West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by House; Moves to Governor - 3/15/16

California Introduces Bill to Require Warranty Disclosure - 3/15/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor - 3/14/16

Illinois Introduces Bill to Raise Gas Taxes/Create a Road User Tax and Raise Registration Fees - 3/14/16

West Virginia Approves Resolution Opposing EPA Ban on Certain Race Cars - 3/14/16

(UPDATE) New Hampshire Bill to Allow Additional Trailers to Qualify for Antique Plates Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/11/16

(UPDATE) Alabama Senate Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles From Certificate of Title Requirement Approved by Committee; Moves to Full Senate - 3/11/16

(UPDATE) Hawaii Bill to Increase Fees for Motor Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to House - 3/11/16

(UPDATE) U.S. Senate Introduces Counterpart to House RPM Act - 3/10/16

(UPDATE) Washington State Bills to Provide for Single License Plate Die as Legislature Adjourns - 3/10/16

Iowa Bill to Provide for Single License Plate Amended and Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/9/16

Congress Introduces Bill to Ensure that Motor Vehicles May Be Modified Into Racecars - 3/8/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House - 3/8/16

(UPDATE) Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Signed into Law - 3/8/16

(UPDATE) South Dakota Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles Signed into Law - 3/8/16

(UPDATE) Indiana Bill to Permit Non-Residents to Use Off-Highway Trails Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 3/7/16

California Reintroduces Bill to Exempt pre-1981 Vehicles from Emissions Inspection Requirement - 3/4/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events Approved by Senate; Moves to House - 3/4/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Allow Titles to be Issued for Abandoned Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/4/16

(UPDATE)Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by Utah Legislature; Goes to Governor - 3/4/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 3/3/16

Alabama Bill to Further Exempt Older Vehicles from Certificate of Title Requirement Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House - 3/3/16

(UPDATE) Maryland Bill to Revise Historic Vehicle Registration Requirements Approved by House; Moves to Senate for Hearing on March 24, 2016 - 3/2/16

Alabama Senate Bill To Further Exempt Older Vehicles From Certificate of Title Requirement to be Considered On March 3, 2016 - 3/2/16

West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Off-Road Recreation Approved by Senate; Moves to House - 3/2/16

Alabama Bill To Further Exempt Older Vehicles From Certificate of Title Requirement to be Considered On March 2, 2016 - 3/1/16

Massachusetts Bill to Provide for Single License Plate to be Considered on March 7, 2016 - 3/1/16

West Virginia Bill to Create Additional Opportunities for Racing Events to be Considered by Full Senate - 3/1/16

Connecticut Bill to Provide Titles for Older Vehicles to be Considered on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 3/1/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill to Provide Special Plates for Collector Vehicles Approved by Finance Committee; Moves to Full House - 2/29/16

(UPDATE) New Hampshire Bill to Permit Larger Off-Highway Vehicles at Jericho Mountain State Park Approved by Committee; Moves to Full House - 2/29/16

(UPDATE)New Hampshire Legislation to Exempt Historically Significant Cars From Emissions Tests Approved by House; Moves to Senate - 2/29/16

(UPDATE) Nebraska Bill to Provide Single License Plate for Certain Motor Vehicles Approved by Legislature; Moves to Governor - 2/29/16

(UPDATE)South Dakota Bill to Allow Single License Plate for Special Interest Vehicles Approved by Senate; Moves to Governor - 2/26/16

(UPDATE)West Virginia Legislature Proclaims The second Friday in July as “COLLECTOR CAR APPRECIATION DAY”- 2/26/16

(UPDATE) Utah Resolution to Urge Restoration of the Bonneville Salt Flats Approved by House; Moves to Senate Floor - 2/26/16

(UPDATE) West Virginia Bill t