Iowa Reintroduces Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Antique Vehicles


Iowa Reintroduces Bill to Provide for Single License Plate for Antique Vehicles, “Sports Cars”        

DON’T DELAY!  Please voice your Support for (H.F. 239) immediately from the All Members of the House Transportation Committee by emailing now:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • Iowa defines an antique vehicle as a motor vehicle twenty-five years old or older.'
  • H.F. 239 defines a “sports car” to mean a motor vehicle originally manufactured with seats for two passengers, with a front bumper that sits eight inches from the ground or less, and capable of exceeding one hundred thirty miles per hour.
  • H.F. 239 would protect the aesthetic contours of collector cars and relieve vehicle owners of the burden of having to create mounting holes on some original bumpers.
  • H.F. 239 would save money, conserve resources and bring Iowa in line with other states that have moved to a single plate requirement.

Overview: Legislation (H.F. 239) to require the issuance of only a single rear license plate for sports cars and those vehicles registered as antiques was reintroduced.