UPDATE: Pennsylvania Bills to Reform Emissions Testing Requirements Pass Senate; Move to House

DON’T DELAY!  Please contact the House Transportation Committee to request support for S.B. 742, 743, 744, and 745:

You may use the following points in your message:

  • S.B. 742 exempts new vehicles from the emissions inspection requirement for eight years after their manufacture. According to the Pennsylvania AAA Federation, only 4% of newer vehicles failed testing between 2011-17, demonstrating that the testing of newer, more fuel-efficient vehicles does not reduce air pollution.
  • S.B. 743 acknowledges that transitioning from annual to biennial emissions testing will reduce costs while not sacrificing emissions reductions. 
  • S.B. 744 recognizes that it is unnecessary to require counties meeting or exceeding the air quality standards established under the Clean Air Act to take part in costly emissions testing.

Overview: Legislation (S.B. 742-745) has been introduced in the Pennsylvania State Senate to reform the state’s Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program. These bills would replace the annual emissions testing requirement with a biennial requirement, exempt new vehicles from the I/M program for eight years after the manufacture date, exempt certain counties from testing requirements, and change testing criteria for model-year 1994-95 vehicles in the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia regions. These bills passed the Senate and currently await consideration in the House Transportation Committee.