

Tell Congress to Pass Resolution to Stop EPA Regulation Mandating EV’s

In response to the EPA’s recently finalized tailpipe emissions standards for Model Years 2027 to 2032, which require automakers to ramp up electric vehicle sales to comply, U.S. Representative John James (R-MI) and U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE) introduced Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolutions, H.J. Res. 136 and S.J. Res. 75, to overturn the regulation. SEMA strongly supports these CRA resolutions, which require a majority vote in the Senate and House to pass.

Under the EPA’s tailpipe emissions standards, up to 83% of new vehicles sold by 2032 could be forms of electric vehicles. Congress must pass this CRA resolution to stop the EPA’s regulatory overreach, allow consumers to have the freedom to purchase the vehicle that works best for their families, and prevent vehicle manufacturers from being forced to meet unrealistic mandates driven by the most aggressive light-duty emissions regulations in U.S. history.


Legislative Alerts


New Jersey Introduces Bill Supporting Internal Combustion Engines

New Jersey introduced SAN-supported legislation, prohibiting the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) from adopting California’s ban on new gas- or diesel-powered vehicles.

The SAN believes New Jersey families, not the government, should be allowed to choose the vehicle technology that best serves them and their families.