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Golden Rule Award

Will Your Club Receive $3,000 for Its Favorite Charity?

In honor of the 20th anniversary of its Golden Rule Award for car clubs, Eagle One will donate $3,000 to one club’s favorite charity. All nonprofit car clubs in the United States are eligible to enter. The winning club will be randomly drawn from all entries and will also receive a custom-designed award, a generous supply of Eagle One premium appearance care products and Valvoline motor oil for fundraising events.

“Eagle One is very proud of its two decades of being the only organization recognizing and rewarding car clubs for their outstanding support of community and charitable causes,” said Rob McCarter, brand manager.

In prior years, the automotive appearance care products brand has honored and rewarded a car club in four regions for conducting the most outstanding community service program in their region. That format will be resumed in 2013.

To obtain an entry form, visit and submit your entry by December 31, 2012. The winning club will be announced January 30, 2013.