Back to Driving Force, Fall 2016

Help Steer Our Nation’s Leadership: Register to Vote Now!

Much ground has been covered since that frigid February night in Iowa when our nation’s major political parties gathered at churches and in school gymnasiums to cast the first votes in this year’s presidential election. What started with more than a dozen candidates has been narrowed to two: businessman Donald Trump, the Republican, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democrat. Not only will Americans choose the nation’s next president, but voters will also elect 435 members of the U.S. House, 34 U.S. senators, 12 governors and thousands of state and local leaders too. With the finish line in sight, there is no better time to prepare for and fulfill our civic duty as U.S. citizens.

Election day is just around the corner. Even if you are not able to make it to the polls on November 8, you likely have the option to vote early or by absentee ballot. The Voter “Information” tool at www.semaSAN.com/SEMAvotes provides you with information on your state’s voting dates and deadlines. In advance, find out if your state and federal representatives are affiliated with the hobby-friendly, SAN-supported caucuses at www.semaSAN.com/StateCaucus and www.semaSAN.com/FederalCaucus. Locate your elected officials under the “Legislators” tab at www.semaSAN.com.

Don’t delay. Make your plan to vote today! Be a part of our democracy and make your voice heard in November’s election.