
<< Back to Driving Force, November 2012



California Electronic Keys: In 2007, California began requiring car manufacturers to give electronic key replacement information to registered locksmiths so lost electronic keys could be replaced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To allow manufacturers adequate time to comply, a six-year exception was made for manufacturers that provide a replacement key overnight. Legislation to permanently exempt certain vehicle manufacturers from the requirement to provide locksmiths with electronic key code information was vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown. The bill would also have made permanent the requirement that exempted manufacturers operate a request line whereby owners could obtain a replacement key within one day of the request or via overnight delivery from the manufacturer. The governor claimed that the 24/7 standard for car key replacement should apply uniformly to all manufacturers.

California License Plates: Governor Jerry Brown signed into law SAN-supported legislation to establish the California Legacy License Plate Program. Under the new law, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will create and issue a series of specialized license plates that replicate plates from the state’s past. Previously, classic car owners could only revive well-maintained old plates that match the vintage of their vehicle. Among other things, the new law will bring a retro look to modern license plates by allowing consumers to choose from one of three classic designs from the ’50s–’60s (black lettering on yellow background or yellow lettering on black background) and ’70s–’80s (yellow lettering on blue background). The law requires that at least 7,500 applications for any one particular plate must be received by the DMV on or before January 1, 2015.