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Court’s Ethanol Decision Jeopardizes Historic Vehicles, Specialty Parts

SAN Urges Congress to Ban E15

The U.S. Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit, which challenged the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to permit 15% ethanol (E15) content in gasoline for ’01 and newer model year cars and light trucks. Over a year ago, the EPA raised the amount of ethanol permitted in gasoline from 10% (E10) to 15% (E15). The agency has approved applications to sell the fuel and it may soon appear at a gas station near you. The SAN opposes E15 based on scientific evidence that it causes corrosion with incompatible parts. In light of the court’s decision, the SAN is now seeking passage of legislation in the U.S Congress (H.R. 3199) that would prevent the EPA from permitting E15 sales until the National Academies has conducted a study on how E15 may impact gas-powered vehicles. The bill has been approved by the U.S. House Science Committee and is pending on the House floor. It is important that congressional lawmakers hear from you on this important issue.