RPM Act Latest in List of Legislative Battles Please continue helping the effort to “Save Our Racecars” at sema.org/rpm. As the SEMA Action Network marks its platinum anniversary, learn about its history of grassroots engagement on this and other issues: https://youtu.be/tdWhOgfnmLE
Quick Flicks: SAN Online Videos Bring Legislative Topics to Life Nowadays, a star is born in nanoseconds. Once upon a time, movie moguls and TV studios dictated which faces were seen on the screen. Thankfully, the internet has leveled-out the means in which motion pictures are created, distributed, viewed and even generate revenue. Big budget or no budget, there is now room for recordings of any size and quality. There has never been a better chance to reach fame as an on-screen personality. Many credit the YouTube platform for founding the user-based video movement when it launched in 2005. With billions of views, the website has become one of the most dominant search engines worldwide.
Click here for the complete list of Legislative Action Alerts.
“Like lots of other cravings, it all starts with that first innocent taste,” notes Ken Burns. “In my case, the ‘38 Ford Deluxe Woodie my folks owned when they brought me home from the hospital in 1943 was that moment.” He spent 24 years in the Navy as a pilot and moved quite a bit as a result. To Burns, owning a vintage car meant that he could easily find a group of like-minded car enthusiasts whenever he moved to a new duty station. In 1969, he saw a ‘41 Super Deluxe Woodie on his way home from work one day and was drawn to it like a moth to the flame. “We were looking for a second car after the birth of our daughter.” When it came time to move from California to Florida, Ken suggested that the Woodie might as well follow along. “I must have had a compelling argument because my wife agreed that we should keep it and the rest is history!”
Stay Up-to-Date on the RPM Act: Get the latest information on the motorsports bill at sema.org/epa-news.
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