Join the Seattle Chat!

Members can ask any questions they may have about the forum and get answers from the members of the chat. Members are encouraged to share their experiences and learn from the experiences of other members. This type of relationship building among military intelligence professionals is not commonly found among civilian groups.

Members of the Seattle Chat have access to many of the same resources as military intelligence professionals do. Members can post articles, share news, discuss ideas or just talk about anything that interests them. Members can post classifieds in the classified section, as well as access classifieds on the Internet.

Members of the Seattle Chat group may join the chat by signing up at their own leisure. They can then use the chat's forum to interact with fellow members and the chat's administrators. There are no requirements to be part of the chat other than joining in it and reading all the group's message boards.

Members can be members of the chat for a limited amount of time. They can also be members for unlimited time if they so choose. Members must keep their chat membership active by posting regularly and participating in the forum. After some time members have developed a sense of community, a sense of "we".

When members do not want to take part actively in the chat, they can leave the group, but they must leave the chat before the members expire their membership. If members do not renew their chat membership in a specified period of time, they can be kicked out and have no chance of returning to the chat.

In order to become a member of the Seattle Chat, you should fill out a membership application and meet the membership requirement. You will receive an e-mail notification when the membership period is over. You will also be provided with links to the chat's forum and chat home page. If you wish to change your e-mail address, you will have to notify the administrator of your particular group.

Once you become a member of the chat, you are given an account on the web site.

If you wish to post messages in the chat, you should log in using your new e-mail address.

The name of your new user's username will be displayed to all members. You will be asked to select your e-mail address, which will be your chat ID, in order to register your new user's username.

In the event that you wish to change your username or e-mail address, you can log into the chat with your old username and e-mail address and then click the "Users" link located at the top right corner of the screen. You will need to confirm your login in order to create a new user. In most cases, the "Users" link will take you directly to the members area where you can sign in and change your username.

To change your password, click on the "Users" link at the top right corner of the screen and then choose the "Change Password" option from the drop down menu. You will be asked for a new password. You will be asked to enter this new password when you next log into the chat.

The chat is a great place to network with fellow members and develop relationships.

The chat is very friendly and a great place to meet people and start making new friends. You can even connect with local military personnel if you're stationed outside of the United States.