Virginia Bill to Exempt Some Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions Signed Into Law


Virginia Bill to Exempt Some Antique Vehicles from Exhaust System Restrictions Signed Into Law

Legislation to exempt antique motor vehicles from the requirement that they have exhaust systems of a type installed as standard factory equipment, or comparable to that designed as factory equipment was signed into law by Governor Terry McAuliffe.  The new law restricts this exemption only to antique vehicles manufactured prior to 1950 containing engines comparable to that designed as standard factory equipment for use on that vehicle. 

While the new law is a diluted version of the original bill, it is still an improvement over previous law.  For certain 1950 model year and older vehicles, the new law remedies the enforcement policy in which nearly all exhaust systems not of a type installed as standard factory equipment are considered illegal.   In addition, the new law recognizes that factory replacement parts or comparables are not always readily available for antique motor vehicles manufactured prior to 1950.

Thank you to those that participated in supporting this bill.