Arkansas Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Withdrawn by Sponsor


Arkansas Bill to Create Pilot Program to Tax Cars for Miles Traveled Withdrawn by Sponsor

You were heard!  Legislation (H.B. 1716) to allow the State Highway Commission to implement a pilot program that charged drivers based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) was withdrawn by the bill’s sponsor after a public outcry led by SAN members in Arkansas.  Under the measure, participants in the program would have been taxed 1.5 cents per each mile the subject vehicle traveled on Arkansas roadways.  The bill could have created privacy concerns and penalized national efforts to create a more fuel efficient vehicle fleet by taxing drivers based on vehicle mileage.  The bill also would have imposed its harshest penalties on owners who are required to rely on their vehicles to drive long distances to and from places of employment.

Thanks and congratulations to those who participated in opposing this bill!